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Show COLORADO RIVER PACTSHAPED TREATY COVERING ALLOTMENT OF WATER TO BE COMPLETED COMPLET-ED THIS WEEK Treaty of Importance to all Western States In Colorado' Basin. Governors Gov-ernors of Five States Are In Attendance Santo Fc Officials of the Colorado Color-ado river commission oxprcssod tho belief that tho treaty covering allotment allot-ment of tho waters of tho river, ol-ready ol-ready agreed to In principle, will bo completed and signed ty next week. The document, which Is tho first on& ot Its kind In tho history of Irrigation. It waB Indicated, probably will bo botwoen bo-twoen 4000 and r000 words In length. ThQ committee cf five lawyers f.-am-Ing tho language of the compact worktd until midnight Saturday. Tho actual work of framing tho language of tho compnet, It was expected, would bo completed oy Sundny. Then tho compnet will be presented to tho full commission for discussion and rovlslon. Claronco C. Stetson, secretary of tho comlmsslon, announced work was pro-gressing pro-gressing In a most satisfactory manner. man-ner. While tho commission Is awaiting tho roport of tho drafting body, officials of-ficials of a number of tho stntos In tho basin of tho river nro either hurrying hurry-ing to Santo Fe or nro preparing to come for tho final coremony of signing sign-ing tho treaty. Governor-oloct Hlnckla of Now Moxlco. Governor-elect Scru-ghnm Scru-ghnm of Nevada, Governor Mcchem of New Mexico, Governor Campbell of Arizona nnd Governor Carey of Wyoming Wyo-ming already ore on tho ground. Attorney At-torney General Koyes of Colorado Is en routo to represent Governor Shoup, while William K, Sweet, governor-elect of Colorado, will loavo Denvor for Santo Fe to bo present at tho signing sign-ing of tho compact. |