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Show FATHERS AND MOTHER8 DAY Sunday evening at tho Ward Chapel the Second Ward M. I. A. will render tho following program In honor of Fathors nnd Mothors. Greotlng Pros. Harry Stoker. Solo "That Wonderful Mothor of Mlno" Orleno Goodwin. Praise and Thanks Donzll Klrkham. Klrk-ham. Song M. I. A. girls. Poom "MdthoT" Lowoll Broart-bunt. Broart-bunt. Song "Silver Threads Among tho Gold" Beo Hlvo girls. Poom "Father" Ileon Webb. Boys Chorus Scouts. All tho ward and tholr frlonds are cordially Invited. 7:30 Sunday evening, Novombor 20, 1922. Dr. and Mrs. F. D. Worlton was visiting vis-iting la Provo on Tuesday. Mrs. Claud CurtlTwas a Salt Lako . City visitor on Friday. Mrs. John Bono is spending this week in Salt Lake City. Iavld Berry ot Codar Fort wao visiting vis-iting relatives hore Monday. Mrs. Edward Larson spont yostor-day yostor-day visiting In Salt Lako City. Tho infant baby of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ray Cartor Is ill with pnoumonla. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Vanco left for Salt Lako, Sunday, whoro thoy will mako tholr homo. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roberts spent Sunday In Salt Lako, tho guosts ot Mr. and Mrs. Odell Thomas. o Mrs. Martha Bushman roturnod to her homo In Escalanta, Tuesday, aftor .visiting relatlvos horo for a short tlmo. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Russoll entertained entertain-ed at dinner Sunday In honor ot MIsb Gladys Russell ot Salt Lako City, who was hor guest this wook end, Bert Goodwin reports that thiovos stolo underclothing and othor artlclos from their clothos lino during tho past week. It would soom tho winter is a real hard ono when this is resorted too. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Strong, and Mr. and Mrs. Alfod Dowoy of Alpine, were visiting hero Satuurday with Mrs. John Dovoy. Mrs. Harold Ohran is tho guost of Mrs. Charles Ohran this wook. Sho will lcavo next woek, accompanied by Carl Ohran, to Join her husband who is employed In San Francisco. |