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Show I W7 11s u2BKWVWf!r' i I Holiday fPf3iM 1 Prize QjS&k-H' B For every dollar spent nt tho Gift Shop between now and m January 1, 1922, you will bo given a ticket on which you place m your name and guess, and drop one end in tho guess box in our K store, keeping tho other end for reference. H Tho Contest is to guess how many printed words thero aro B in the glass jar in our window, you can guess as many times Hj as you receive tickets and at nny time boforo January 1, 1923, H? when contest closes. B -n ,'10.Persn guessing the correct or nearest correct number Hf WI" "o given the first prize, tho next nearest tho 2nd prize and so H on down tho list. B PRIZES B 1 Prize Genuine Diamond Ring "Worth $50.00 B orizo Gentleman's Gold Watch Worth 25.00 m -Prize Ladies' Wrist Watch Worth 20.00 m 'iPrize Set of Silverware Worth 15.00 B p E"50 Gentleman's Solid Gold Ruby Ring Worth 10.00 M -Prize Ladies' Pearl Necklace Worth 7.00 M .'Prize Manicuro Sot Worth 5.00 B bPnze Set Hand Painted China Wortli 3.50 M . Pnze Cut Glass Basket Worth . 2.50 M -1U Prize Vaterman's Ideal Fountain Pen Worth 2.50 I ' E. N. WEBB B Jeweler and Optometrist 1 MAT.T At The Gift Shop. MAIN STREET LEHI, UTAH STOP AND SHOP AT " BROADBENTS STORE Oonco mora tho Holiday Season approaches. ap-proaches. Aro you proparod? Wo havo all tho essentials necossary for tho Thanksgiving feast, and await your orders with tho full assuranco that wo can fill them to your entlro satisfaction. Now raisins, por packet .......lGc Now currants, por packot.... .15c Also now lemon and citron pool just In. SPECIAL THIS"WEEK ONLY 12 Pounds Sugar.. ..............$ 1.00 o hen In our Dry Goods Dopartmont wo aro offorlng many splendid bar-gins. bar-gins. 25c Outing Flannel 18c 22c Yard WIdo Percales 18o Winter Dresa Goods at Greatly Reducod Prices. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSE Vory good quality all colors 20c $1.35 Quality 811k, Hoso 98c Silk nearly to tho top. 8H0E8 How can you sell thorn so cheap was tho remark a lady mado yostor-day. yostor-day. Small profits was our reply. Wo surely can ploaso you on shoes. Lot us try. CHRIST MA8 GOODS Our entlro lino now on show. Send tho children, lot them look thorn over, they will return and tell you tho wonderful story about Santa Clous at BROADBENT & SON'S STORE j flpj Let Mary have her' 1 1 little Lamb . fl What you want jH i tLflflfll for Thanksgiving -" H is Turkey! fH IniB Some stores thmk it is bad business to load M I up with stock for Thanksgiving but wo ill find that big business like big fish, never mm swims in narrow streams. fill That's why this week we mado our plans to II have so many more selections that you'll ' M walk in here even tho you have to pass up j ' 9 other stores to got here. f Enough goods to bring you in and enough f I money's worth in satisfaction to bring you ! jfl back. J H Michaels-Stern and Curlcc Suits for iJIffJ Thanksgiving $17,50 to $35.00. j M Michaels-Stern and Oregon City O'coats for fffl Thanksgiving $16.00 to $30.00. Jfl Beau Brummel Shirts for Thanlcstnvinff :H $1.25 to $5.00. New Hats New Caps New Neckwear h fl New Furnishings. jljH 'fflfl People's Co-op. Inst. ill The Busy Store on State Street r gfl LEHI UTAH '- fl mmmmmmim'immmmm 4tflfl Sflflfl 'jflftaftaH """ JiJf'-'j j T'nnj iriiri1 "ijiww Jiflflfl |