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Show BK Funeral Held Hero K For Man Who Lost I ffl Lifoln Bingham I H i Funeral services woro conducted 1 13 horo Monday ovor the remains ol Don J H , C. Hickman, who lost bis llfo nt H i Bingham Friday when ho was caught jj undor caving slack coal. Serrlcos f wofo hold at tho Third Ward Moot- 9' Ing houso with Uishop Henry Lewis M in charge. The speakors included: Bishop Lowls, Elder John B. Jonos I n , and N. 0. Malan. Invocation was of- I 1 fered by John E. Jonos and bonodlc- I ' I tlon by Bishop Lewis. Tho ward choir I sang, "Nearer My God To Thoo," Hi "Outdo Mo To Thoo" and Boautilul lAw IbIo." Miss Johnson rendored a solo. H Interment was in tho Lohl ccmotery Ml with N. O. Malan pronouncing tho dedication. I Don Carlos Hickman, 57 yoars or m ago, mot his death in a coal bin of Kffl tho U. S. mine at Bingham Friday HI nfternoon. Mr. Hickman had boon HR making preparations to load somo U coal and it is thought that in tho SI course of his work ho wont into tho Hjl bin and that a chute filled with slack Im coal broko and buriod htm. As no JM ono had witnessed tho acoldont, tho Hnfi body was not found for somo tlmo BJij After tho accident had happened. II Mr. Hickman is survived by his H widow and Bovun chlldron. Ho had 11 boon working for tho U. S. Mining H company for about four months. Tho Hi family is living at tho Third "Ward. iHlif n |