Show FREDONIA A ARIZONA was miss velva Griffit lid one of 0 tho the high school students of 0 fredonia Fredo was ned sev several igral days dayd from school this wee week k on account of litts the boy scouts of fredonia Fre donla along with the boy scouts ot of kanab enjoyed a slum party last tuesday evening iary 10 at kanab miss ada judd who is IB atten attending digg school in kanab spent the afternoon ot of r february 12 with her parents in fredonia Fre donla mr lloyd judd one odthe ot alio high high school students wag detained several a verl lays days from school this weaken week on account ot oi illness oscar brooksby Broo kaby arland brooksby and was allen nion dion pratt fruit returned home thursday F february 12 atter after spending the tast past three weeks in california miss felna feinn judd who Is attending school in flagstaff accompanied them home from flagstaff 4 t fr the seminary girls ot frodonia Fie Fro donla enjoyed a tour four mile hike last thursday r february 12 they hiked up tip to butte after school ato their lunch and returned home tired tired but happy an assembly winheld was held in commemoration of abraham lincoln thursday february 12 at the frodonia Fro donla school house tile tho program ranj was waa presented by different students from the prim iary ary grades tip to the high school nv ev everyone present seemed scorned to lo have on an enjoyable time A boy scout annl annive versay may was presented by ilia hoy boyo scouts couts last sunday evening february 8 at the regular sacrament pie eting A largo lareo crowd was present and enjoyed the program ell judd jadd had and charles mccormick McCorm lck returned home last tuesday february 10 from utah where they have boon bean spending the past two weeks as missionaries tho the home of mr and mrs william J brooksby Drooks by of r ire donla la Is laing being enlarged and remodeled and they will soon be enjoying the conveniences of a modern homo valentine parties were hold held in tho the primary room InOr intermediate mediate room and junior high room r friday i afternoon february 13 at the tha fredonia Fro donla school house the childrens parents were invited to attend these parties and everyone staid said that they had a very enjoyable time allford AV Ilford brooksby of fredonia Fre donta nc ac companies companied com ComPa panted nied by george hanton and ivan stanworth of hurricane Y utah motored to house rock hock february 12 0 on business tho the little son of mr and mrs afro W walta is very III with wit erysipelas |