Show EXPANSION NEED OF CHURCH by REV HEV DR CROWDER new york Protest atit episcopal A world community of interests has made foreign missions domestic missions so that today bookkeeping i is s the chief distinction between the two christianity cannot be compressed within prescribed limits its cardinal principle is expansion to the christians vision the color of il the 1 0 8 skin kin and character of the habitat are only surface differences which melt away under the burning light of the spirit the life of the alie church lias been fed by its missionary conquests new races have replenished its vitality and deepened its intellectual moral an and d a spiritual pi ritual life already in new missionary lands india cilina china japan the church shows an advance in unity sp spirituality and simplicity upon upon the church at home y the hopes of tile world today are arc based upon the spirit and cifes message of a militant and missionary Christian christianity itys |