Show CO 14 FERENCE A OR orderville DERVILLE conference of the kanab stake convened at Or derville saturday and sunday february 13 and 14 A large representation from the various dards in the stake were present presen t the first meeting of 0 tho the convention conven llon lion was held I 1 saturday evening the priest hood having charge of the program the meeting sunday morning was given under the auspices of at tho the me chi zedek priesthood the public wore were invited to be present at both meetings sunday afternoon a regular meeting for the general public was hold held at which the officers ot at the church were sustained apostle richard IL lyman the visitor from the north occupied a the greater part of the time president wm win R palmer of tile carowan parowan stake was also present and spoke poke to the people the sunday evening meeting which was u under der tile the auspices of the mutual improvement association was the best attended meeting of the convention ahe house being crowded to the I 1 doors A splendid spirit of good will and helpfulness prevailed throughout the entina conference |