Show 4 doc doctors to rs 3 RULES bis big hep help to bowels what a joy to have the bowels move like clockwork every dayl day I 1 its easy it you mind these simple rules of a jamous famous old doctor 1 drink a big tumbler fal of water before breakfast and several times a day 2 get plenty of outdoor exercise without unduly fatiguing yourself 8 3 try for a bowel movement at exactly exact lythe alie same hour every everyday day bowels need help at times but the thing thine to use Is dr caldwelle Cal dwells syrup pepsin get a thorough clenning out and it wont leave your insides weak and watery this family doctors prescription Is just fresh laxative herbs vitro pure pepsin and other helpful ingredients that hurt a child but how it wakes up those lazy bowels 1 how good you feet feel your system rid of all that poisonous waste matter clean up that coated coliten tongue sweeten that bad breath ana an A got rid of those bilious headaches A little syrup pepsin will soon tree free the bobola boac 14 from all that waste matter that makes the whole system sluggish ent eat better bettee sleep better and feel better like the way dr caldwellsr Cal dwella dwells syrup pepsin t tastes esteg tho the way it works will delight you big bottles all drugstores DR alt IV V B D SYO A doctors family laxative AW e ev 46 C ow 1 U G ami S first dose soothes at st ov relief 0 c aty aa with 0 s ch eels at all C druggists a P z her reward when children are weak and rundown they are easy prey to colds colda or childrens dla diseases eases so it Is never wise to neglect those weaken ing find and depressing symptoms of oc bad breath coated tongue fretful t noa ncsa feverishness biliousness lack of energy and appetite etc nine times out of ten these things 3 point to one trouble constipation and mothers by thousands know this Is easily safely relieved by Call california fornia rig fig syrup mrs chas J connell 1434 cleary ave st louis mo says 1 I gave virginia california fig syrup for or constipation and she was more than rewarded for taking lb it it regulated her bowels helped her digestion increased tier her appetite made her strong and energetic the peri goit utne tine endorsed by doctors doctora for BO 1550 years always bears the tha word CW tomta AU all drun drugstores tores have it r iXIl RK adix LAXATIVE TONIC TOMIC for far CHILDREN |