Show KA NAB LIBRARY BOARD MEET 0 ohp card board of the free public library af pf p kanab met last monday evening at the library the annual report of at the library tor for the jear year ending december 31 1930 was read by the librarian and approved by the board the total expenses ot of the library tor for tho year amounted to at the beginning this year we had books in the tha library besides thousands of 0 magazines the total circulation ot at books EL and nd magazines tor for tile the year amounted to with an average circulation ot of 64 books every day the library was open at the present time wo we have about BOO borrowers cards in force 0 many more books could be loaned from the library it if wo we could only purchase more books tor for children the child children ren really need about COO more books I 1 fifty dollars la is all ot of the fund which can be D used to buy books if tho the library Is open three days a week as it has bos been in the past A tow few books have been added to the library through tho the rental shelf those present at the meeting were president 1 I 0 brown VIce President claa clara af shields secretary alfa J robinson john af burgoyne and librarian nose H hamblin A few more new books tor for tho the rental shell arrived last friday and a very every one has been loaned out during the week these books are royal road to romance burton the strange death of president harding means Il beauty balley bailey god hive mercy on Us scanlon ropers row deeping the bishops murder case van dine the splendor of god morrow i LIBRARIAN |