Show A A I 1 TU 02 own D LU ivaa el 11 1 NO ff hv THOSE AV I 1 ISLAN ars V r a t A al r JAMES 1 U 4 DOLE wa u F Z 11 aven others work h the j y boisy aoa are cara for in ane connary 0 4 9 1 I V 05 1 4 e airis white caps arid rubber c c 7 i coin es fi om the aln a ca c a nc HERE Is no unemployment in the Ha Is lanias instead their citizens of all ages are busy sending a flood ot apala to be goldin the form pineapple for canning all over the united states and also to far distant lands there Is ro i i 1 l mance manca in fri the story of how these semitropical islands happen to ie be one ot of the busiest parts ot of our country at this time when unemployment la is so widespread it Is the romance of how flow the thought ol of one man greatly enlarged the whole economic aspect ot of these islands which we vo were once so reluctant to annex for our government was tar far from cordial to th the e idea ol of receiving hawaii under its flag back in 1895 wh when en an all annexation treaty was first negotiated with president harrison this was withdrawn by president cleveland in april ot of that year but brought up again after president leys election and hawaii was not finally admitted into the union until july 7 1898 1893 thero there was good reason tor for this reluctance just tor for the sake ot of nc acquiring quIrIng a pacific naval station this country did not want to assume the tha permanent financial lia liability ability nelch these islands seemed likely to prove As late as its 1907 1908 edition the encyclopedia Amer americana feana stated that the danger of oe depending upon EL a single crop bugari sugar has long been recognized and persistent eff efforts arts have beon been made to develop minor industries 0 in hawaii hav ah one man did it to understand how hawaii developed develop eda a second important crop which goes out as a flood ot of golden pineapple and forms forma one of oe the two great industries of 0 the hawaiian islands it Is necessary to go back thirty years yeara to the beginning of the career ot of one james 13 dole it was in 1899 1890 that this man just graduated from harvard set out for the hawaiian islands from a suburb of doston boston known as aa jamaica plain 7 lie he went there to grow coffee ile he knew nothing about pineapple culture neither did he know anything about canning but after various experiments peri ments lie he went back to boston to get an all expert canner and raise some capital and he succeeded in both altez attempts blits after that the pineapple business began to prosper tho the company which he formed packed 1893 cases cases of pineapple in 1903 cases in 1901 lit in 1905 and more than la in 1907 its pack grew to cases in 1912 in isis in 1923 in 1926 and from casts cases in 1929 it grow grew to more than last year once onca this man had demonstrated that plus pineapples could be bd profitably krown grown in im hawaii he naturally had competitors there aie are now nine chief growers who packed a total of about II cases last year nearly all of which were shipped to tits the united states and hada had a value ot of 0 O no there Is no men 1 l i oom coin for more la in spite of this vastly increased production the consumption of pineapples in the united states amounts to only a trifle more than two pine pineapples applas pe per capita it a year so thero there Is zoom loom tor for even greater production it it ft can be brought about but all ot of the good pineapple land in Ir hawaii Is now taken and when the tha island of aanal recently bought and developed into a huge pineapple plantation by doles company Is brought to full production that will be ba about all the pineapple that hawaii can supply the story of the acquisition ot 0 this island of lanai la Is a whole romance in itself hack back in 1922 dole dola was facing the problem of the need of cf more land tor for the growing of pineapples it was estimated at that time that there thera were only about acres in the islands adapted to pineapple culture of these his company then con trolled strolled about acres but tie lie rightly believed the demand tor for canned pineapple would in a few years exceed the capacity ot the indus arys entire acreage so he sent men lien into the philippines and down into mexico and investigated FIJI san domingo malaya and even queensland australia before coming back to the hawaiian islands and buying tor for lanai considered up to that time a hopelessly barren island beaten ten months in the year by northeast winds beneath the blasts of 0 which the scattering trees on it were permanently bowed there was no harbor then no roads loads no towns no labor and much of 0 tho the good soil was covered with enormous enor moua cactus but the soil tested well and the climate was propitious the altitude average rainfall and natural drainage were about right dole solved the problem of ligh lighting drig the obstinate cactus by hitching a cable chain to heavy tractors and literally dragging the dense A growth down i he bet V dole was willing to bet that ills his judgment lit in buying lanai was right and that he be was right is proved by the fact that the yield ot of lanai pineapples is today nearly equal to the combined yield ot of all the rest ot of his plantations but all this was not accomplished without a struggle by cutting away the cliffs on one side running a heavy breakwater out into the ocean on the other and then dredging he created the harbor ot of kaumalapau at a cost of ile he built a road for heavy trucking seven miles back and agoo feet up into the island along which five ton white trucks hauling tenton ten ton trailers now travel each carrying in all a net lodd load ot of twenty three and a halt tons ot of fruit at the harbor these are hoisted in eleven and a halt ton lots onto barges which are towed to honolulu some fifty miles away and this was not all ile he brought water across tho the mountain range on tho the windward side ot of the island to the reservoir near the town of lanai city which stands today a model community ot of its ita kind its population now consists ot of orientate lentala or and thirty two whites and it boasts its own bank stores schools a hospital a buddhist Dudd hist temple and even movies and a mayor there Is no unemployment on the islands of lanai and neither is there any contract labor the pineapple picker who wants to quit his job can draw ills his weeks wages from 14 up to as aa much as 28 and tits his transportation back to whence he came the labor li Is a polyglot lot chinese filipinos and Hawaii hawaiians IIa ans oven even somo some russians Ilus slana and portuguese live tranquilly in a community which is free from race problems largely because of 0 thorough intermarriage A battery or of shelling machines known as gl gi removes the pineapples skin shin and punches out its core in a single swift operation a sot set ot of knives cuts the skinned and cored cylinders into uniform slices and in a few seconds from the time the pineapple enters the ginara machine it t is skinned cored sliced and ready for grading and canning speed is the essence of proper pineapple canning the quicker you can get this luscious fruit out of its jacket and into tho the can the better something more than food is preserved by this ibis celerity it is the only way to TiTe presena serve the elti elusive sive flavor of the fully ripened fruit 4 still a pioneer this matter of 0 grading is important dole wants the tha housewife to know exactly what she la Is buy ing in his cans so he be devised a system of stamp ins ing the numbers one or two or three together with tits his dafne in the tha tops ot of the cans this la Is a pioneer procedure which will undoubtedly extend to other canned products la in tho the course of 0 time tinie when tho the housewife uses fresh fruit she can look at wand it and see its condition when she uses canned fruit sho she has to depend on the labels to tell truthfully what quality of fruit Is inside th the e cang ot of pineapple with one stamped in thel their r tops contain the best beat fruit in appearance texture syrup and color those stamped two contain fruit just as fine but not quite so shapely and packed in syrup slightly less sweet anil and those stamped three contain good wholesome who leaoma fruit packed in the same syrup as two but dices alices that have been broken so that they cannot be included in the first two grades these first two grades ire are both packed in sliced crushed and tidbit forms but the third Is packed only in broken slices real food value la Is this large production of pineapple a real contribution to our diet in fit food value as well as in taste according to 8 scientists clentis ts it Is there ar are 6 better sources of a single vitamin says a bulle bulletin tin of the university of hawaii but as an all around source ot 0 vitamins the tinned canned pineapple takes an units unusually natty high place no other canned product except tomatoes la 13 83 rich in vitamins but the fruit has hag to be handled handle dright right there la Is a marked difference in its sugar content depending upon whether it has been allowed to ripen on the plants or Is picked for shipment after it ft has reached its full size but has not yet ripened analysis shows allows according to this same authority an average of 1206 of 0 sugar in the naturally ripened fruit against in that picked steen and allowed to ripen oft off the plant As a matter ot universal practice among hawaiian packers the fruit la Is allowed allowe fl to ripen lit in tho the field the sug sugar ar content of 0 pineapple Is of a typo which is ready tor for human assimilation according to dr A L dean director of the experiment station ot the university ot of hawaii aind and pino apple ties has a higher food value than mat most fruits largely because of its high sugar content conten tand and its vitamins rich in calories the analysis of pineapple contained in the following table tabla was made mada on a composite sample of both fruit and syrup made mada by commuting com and mixing the contents of six cans ot fancy sliced pineapple taken at random from the pack ot six different canneries moisture total sugars 4 2230 1230 1 sucrose reducing sugars 1231 protein crude fiber I 1 mineral matter ash fruit adda acids calculated as citric acid it will be seen from the tha above the bulletin states that the alia food value ot of canned pineapple as measure measured dby by calories calori cs container in lt it la Is by no means negligible so jlmes james D dole whose name Is indissolubly connected with the pineapple industry in hawaii both as pioneer and developer not only turned a possible liability into a proved asset but this industry is making a distinct contribution to our national diet in a form that Is both nutritious and popular and that Is why there la Is no unemployment at present in those far flung pacific islands |