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Show KAIIARRAVILLF NEWS II0TES 1 By Mrs. Hannah Davis Christmas day here was warm and bright, but not white. Everywhere Every-where Christmas was in the air with pre-hollday parties taking the spotlight. On Christmas day all have memories of good cheer, giving and receiving and attending at-tending church services. The weeks before were filled with activities with young people en-Joying en-Joying parties at different homes. The Relief Society, MIA, and Primary held parties. Thursday our school gave a fine Christmas program with all the children taking part. It was greatly en-Joyed en-Joyed by everyone present. Saturday Sat-urday night the Sunday School held a program, Santa made his appearance and each child received re-ceived a bag of candy and nuts. jMonday evening a dance at the I school auditorium for adults was held sponsored by the M I A. Many relatives and friends came to enjoy our holiday with us. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pollock and family of Orem made an overnight over-night stay with their mothers, Alice Pollock and Amelia Woodbury Wood-bury and other relatives returning return-ing home on Monday, The Grant Tucker Coal Co. entertained their employees and partners at a Christmas party at Escalante Hotel. Guests from here . were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pollock and Mr. and Mrs. May-nard May-nard Chrlstenscn. Mr. and Mrs. Kemp Spencer and family and his mother Polly Spencer of Cedar City visited Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Delile Davis. Many relatives and friends from here at- tended the funeral of Dr. Alpine Prince at St. George. Visitors with their mother, Ethna Ford, were Mr. and Mrs. Terry Williams of Malad, Idaho, and Mr. and Mrs. Verd Williams and children of Downey, California. Califor-nia. Spending a few days here with' their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Robinson, were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robinson and baby of Colorado and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brooks and boys of California. Mr. and Mrs. Park Williams of Henderson visited here with relatives for a few days. They were going to Salt Lake City where Park will have a medical checkup. He is making rapid progress following heart surgery. Visitors here with their mothei and grandmother, Mary M. Wll Hams, were Mr. and Mrs. Nell Williams and daughter of Sum mit; Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Williams Wil-liams of Anabelle; Lola Prince and son Gerald of New Harmony; Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Baker of Salt Lake City and Mrs. Dor Ward and children of Orem. Mr. and Mrs. JuniusAVilllamr enjoyed the Christmas with some of their children, Mr. and Mrs Kelsey Taylor and boys of La? Vegas and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Williams of Salt Lake City. Mrs. Rosella Christensen and son Marvin were visitors In Henderson, Hen-derson, Nev., with some of her children. Visiting about town Sunday with friends were Mr. and Mrs. Nello Williams and Lucile of Summit and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Davis of Cedar City. Mrs. Belle Davis and Kathy are spending a few days In Murray with her daughter, the Robert Simktns family. Holiday visitors with their parents. par-ents. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Piatt, were their daughter Ruth of Salt Lake City and Mr. and, Mrs. Dell Judd and family of Cedar City. Mrs. DeMille of Hurricane Is hero with her daughter, the Wayne Olds family. I |