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Show CEDAR CITY SOCIAL SWING Mrs. Nola Kupfer Home for Christmas were Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Simkins of Logan. They were greeted by Mrs. Ellen Simkins. Santa found Mr. and Mrs. Donald Don-ald Heap and son Cary of Cefl-tervllle, Cefl-tervllle, Utah, and Miss Launa Rae Heap of Los Angeles at the Alden Heap home. They remained remain-ed until after Christmas at which time they returned to their respective re-spective homes. Home from their California teaching responsibilities are Miss Cynthia Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lehl Jones, and Miss Alice Cane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cane. A turkey dinner followed by games and prizes highlighted an evening spent at the Vernal Schow home. Enlovlng the Christmas spirit together were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Averett, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Adams, Mr. and Mrs. . . Lynn Flack. Mr. and Mrs. Ir-1 Ir-1 ralne Chamberlain, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Enoe, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wade and Mr. and Mrs. Walt Engal. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Stark trav-eled trav-eled to Las Vegas where they greeted their son Vern as he stepped off the plane from the coast. Vern has snent the nnst 14 months In Hawaii where he has been stationed with the Navy-Following Navy-Following a week end In Veas the family returned to Cedar Ce-dar City where Vern will spend his leave enjoying home ana friends. I Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Sargent and Infant son Jeffry Scott are spending the holidays in Cedar City. Their visit Is being enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dotson and Mr. and Mrs. Ned Sargent. The Dotsons also enjoyed having their daughter Gloria home for he Christmas weekend. She returned re-turned Monday to Salt Lake City where she is employed by New York Life Insurance Co- Mrs. Annette Betenson was happy to have as her Christmas week end guests, her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Betensen of Bountiful. Spending the Christmas holiday holi-day with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Dot-son Dot-son were Mr. and Mrs. Dean Maxwell of American Fork. Home for Christmas were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Knell and children of Salt Lake City. They isited with the Ray Knells and Newell Wasdens. 'Flying In for Christmas at th Knell home also al-so was Bruce Kjiell who lives in Salt Lake City. Sandra Kupfer entertained a group of her girl friends at an Italian supper Friday evening. I Following dinner, the girls exchanged ex-changed white elephant gifts, i They completed the everin car oling and attending trie local theatre. I Former CSU Professor Dr. Ro-bert Ro-bert Brailsford, his wife and son Kenney stopped at the Joseph Smith home following Christmas in Salt Lake Citv. The Brailsfords now nVde In Bakersfield, Calif. As they returned home they wcto accompanied by Mrs. Biallt.-ford's Biallt.-ford's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Royce Knight spent the holiday week end in Cedar City visiting with family and friends. , Guests at the Virgil Bird home or Christmas were Mr. and Mrs. Homer Kearns. their son an daughter of Atwater. Calif., and Mrs. Bird's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kearns of Gunni.son, Utah. Mrs. Lillian Clark had fuests to help her celebrate Christmas, her son and famllv fr. n- Mrs. Kenneth Clark and two children of Las Vegas. The Christmas spirit was en- Huh' as they met at the Jam"" Twl. residence for dinner with their nartners. Sneclal ptiesfs fr the dinner and visiting that f1-loM-prt were Mr. and Mrs. Austin Benson. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beal of L Veas were in Cedar Cv t r"i4 Christmas with Mr. Real's nnrents. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Benson. |