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Show CLASSIFIED FOR SALE: Baled Hay. First cutting, excellent condition, first class. See Golden Bayles, Parowan, Paro-wan, or call 477-3429. " Adv. A-23, pd. 2 year-old beef on, horns off PICKETT BROS. FARMS Parowan Ph. 477-3676 Adv. A-23, 30. FOR SALE: 13 ft. Cardinal House Trailer. 1962 model, gas stove, Ice box, sink, reasonably priced. Phone 586-9846. Adv. A-23, 30. Pd. ATTENTION! AUTOMOTIVE PARTS MEN Would you like to own an NAPA Jobbing Store? America's Oldett, Largest Best Known, Most Successful, Most Copied Replacement Automotive ! Parts Organization Call or write Mr. Haynie or Mr. Ball DA 8-1561 Salt Lake City Warehouse 144 West Broadway, Salt Lake City, Utwh Adv. A-23, 30, M-7, 14, 21, 28. FOR SALE: Old-fashioned cook stove, fine for mountain cabin. Also small oil heater. Call Reld Gower, 586-9328. Adv. A-30. FOR SALE: Lg. bldg. lot In Parowan, Reasonably priced. Also FOR SALE or LEASE: Small cafe located across from high school, in Parowan. Contact Mis. Maur-ine Maur-ine Matheson, Clark's Motel, Parowan. Adv. A-30. TOMATOES AND PETUNIAS Plants now available Flowering Geraniums, Ideal for Mother's Day. Call Walter Kerk-sick, Kerk-sick, Beaver, Utah. Phone 438-2973 438-2973 Adv.' A-30, M-7. Shop at this Sign of Kl Reliability We are as interested In selling sell-ing quality used cars as In selling quality new cars. 1962 Volkswagen $1395 Looks and drltca like new. Sliver beige leatherette Interior. Bucket rata. 4-peed trammixalon. White wall tires. Heater. Radio. 1957 Chevrolet $595 Bel Air 4-dMr Sedan Clran 1961 FORD S99S Fairlane 500 2-door Sedan. Standard Transmii-lnn. Transmii-lnn. SPECIALS 1957 Pontiac S345.00 4-door Hard Tup 1961 Ford Pickup $1295.00 W-tcin, Lon,: Brd, 3-npeed 1956 Bulck 51250.00 2-door Hard Top JONES MOTOR 380 South Main Cedar City. Utah FOR SALE Top Quality RUSSETT POTATOES Delivered Call 586-9042 Adv. A-16, 23, 30, M-7. Pd. FOR SALE: SPINET PIANO IN THIS AREA. Take over i ill monthly payments. For more details de-tails write, Credit Manager, Box 179, Sugar House Station, Salt Lake City, Utah. Adv. A-23, 30, M-7. Man wanted for mill work, Feed and Grain, at the So Utah Dairy In Parowan. Permanent, Full-time work. Adv. A-23, 30. SPRING SPECIAL 1028 Rear Tractor Tire $46.00 plus tax. 825x20 10-Ply Nylon Truck Tire $50.00 plus tax. 650x16 6-Ply Nylon Truck Tire $20.00 plus tax. 900x20 New Truck takeoff tire $60.00 plus tax. LUNT-HETWOOD CO. Cedar Citr. Utah Adv. A-9, 16, 23, 30. FOR RENT 20' x 40' building. Has cement floor, lights, large overhead door. Suitable for storage, warehouse, etc. It is located in a good business busi-ness location, and may be remodeled re-modeled for retail business . Reasonable Rea-sonable rent, prefer long-term lease. May rent part only. Contact Con-tact Wllford Day, Cedar City. Adv. A-23, 30. I FOR SALE: 1959 Ford Pickup. Half-ton, long wheelbase. Also 1964 Volkswagon, only run 4500 miles. Call Robert Llllywhlte, 586-8141. 586-8141. Adv. A-30. Tf. FOR SALE: 4 bedroom home In SW section of town, close to High School and South elementary. Fully carpeted, full basement mostly completed. Yard is redwood red-wood fenced with a patio and lighted. Landscaping includes Drick retaining walls, planters, and trees and plants are established. estab-lished. House ii financed by 4 34 percent Gl Loan. For appointment appoint-ment call 586-9887 Adv. A-30, M-7, 14, 21, 28. For Sale: AKC registered German Ger-man Sheppard puppies. Top quality, qua-lity, championship stock. Call Jack Peterson, Fillmore, Utah, 743-5351. Adv. A-30, M-7. JL. JL. J. FOR SALE for $200 or Trade: 1950 Ford Pickup for 12 ft. aluminum alum-inum boat and motor. JERRY TRUDELL, Room 5, Lunt Hotel. Adv. A-30. Pd. LOST: A boy's blue suede jack-et jack-et with leather sleeves, at Cedar City Junior High on Saturday during Youth Conference. Finder plea-.e write Douglas Davenport, Paragonah, Utah, or call collect, 477-3578. k UTAH COMMON Alfalfa Seed. Cleaned at Delta. Purity and germination tested. Noxious weed free. Buy ahead; prices are low because of the bumper 1963 seed crop. Call Norman Nor-man Day, Parowan. Adv. A-30, M-7. WANTED: Beauty operator to take over shop In Miriams in Parowan on Monday. May 4. Interested persons call 477-3341. HELP WANTED Insurance and investment salesman wanted An opportunity opportu-nity to be in on the ground floor with American Western Ins. Co. The West's fastest growing company. com-pany. We will help you get started. Write P. O. Box 1050A, Cedar City, Utah. Adv. A-30. Pd. WANTED TO RENT 2 -bed room home with yard. Furnished. Call Las Vegas, Nev. 384-4789. Adv. A-30, M-7, Pd. PAROWAN VALLEY RUSSETS Wo will deliver on Wednesday for a few more weeks or until stocks are gone. Large, firm, f:. .hly sorted Russet Potatoes. Write or call Norm Day, Parowan. Adv. A-30, M-7. Very clean 35' mobile home for sale. Reduced for immediate sale. Phone 586-8651 after 5 p. m. Adv. A-9, 16, 23, 30. pd. VACATION PLANNING? NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR FOR ALL THE FAMILY Free Information write DESERET TRAVEL BUREAU 58 North University Provo, Utah 373-3822 Adv. A-9. 16, 23, 30. PERSONAL CONSIDERATION Our attitute of service is to apply, ap-ply, to every irrigation installation installa-tion entrusted to us, a personal interest and a scrupulous attention atten-tion to detail that make for customer cus-tomer peace of mind. New and Used aluminum and steel pipe, Irrigation pumps and motors Terms. Call collect: LEO BURT DESERT IRRIGATION CO. PANACA. PA 83945 Adv. F-13. tf. KIRBY Sales & Service Representative Cal Gubler Will be in the Cedar City Area Near the 5th and 25th of Each Month Call 586-6416 For Service Adv. J-2, tf. LOTS FOR SALE: Frank A. Thorley Subdivision, 900 West between be-tween 200 and 300 South. Choice location Improved in new building development Phone 586-6316 586-6316 or 586-8573. Adv. A-9, 16, 23, 30. Pd. Tf. Fender Guitar and Lessons Special. Call 586-8446. Adv. A-30, through Jn-25. Spinet Organ Rare opportunity. opportu-nity. Reliable party may take over payments. Write P. O. Box 6178, Salt Lake City 6, Utah. Phone 486-2149. Adv. A-30, M-7, 14, 21. NICE 3 BEDROOM HOME in Parowan for sale. For further Information In-formation write Roy Moore, 917 No. 6 East, Bountiful, or call 577-3518, 577-3518, Parowan. Adv. A-16. Tf. FOR SALE: 3-bedroom home In Las Vegas, Nev. one and 34 bath, 6 ft block fence. Take over GI Loan. Call Dee Smith, Cedar City, 586-6819. jAdv. A-16. 23, 30. BALDWIN PIANO Take over payment of $10.00 per month on Baldwin Spinet or will sell for cash. Also electric organ. Write adjustor, PO Box 2033, Salt Lake City 10, Utah. Adv. A-30, M-7. Pd. Custom Garden Tilling for more information call 586-6876 or 586-4390. Adv. A-16, 23, 30. Pd. s MALE HELP WANTED Competent person to act as organizer or-ganizer for established firm providing pro-viding hostess advertising service. serv-ice. Must be free to travel. Successful Suc-cessful commission sales experience exper-ience essential. Commission, a drawing account and unlimited future to rlfcht person. Write: Western Welcome, Inc., 506 Farmers Far-mers Union Building, Denver 8, Colorado. Adv. A23, 30, pd. BLUE Lustre not only rids carpets car-pets of soil but leaves pile soft and lofty. Rent electric shampoo-er shampoo-er $1. Hunter Hardware and Appliance Adv. A-30. MALE HELP NEEDED to clerk In Hardware Store at 86 West Harding Ave., We prefer married man not over 30 years of age. CEDAR LUMBER AND HARDWARE HARD-WARE CO. Adv. A-30. FOR SALE: 40 head choice quality Hereford replacement yearling heifers. Write WAYNE GONDER, Garrison, Utah. Adv. A-30. M-7. Pd. FOR SALE Welding Iron. New and Used New Rebar 38 and 12 loch 11 cents per pound Tanks for Culverts, Used Sinks and Toilets for Cabins at BILL'S SALVAGE YARD Cedar City. Utah Adv. A-30, M-7, 14. |