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Show ALIAS SUMMONS IN THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT DIST-RICT COURT OF THE STATE OF UTAH, IN AND FOR THE COUN-TY COUN-TY OF IRON. T. W. JONES AND SONS, a Utah Corporation, plaintiff, vs. PATRICK A. FAY and RENEY FAY, his wife; GRACE M. ADAMS, a woman; JAMES B. ROBERTS and MRS. JAMES B. ROBERTS, his wife; LIZZIE J. BAKER, a woman; JOHN GLEA-SON GLEA-SON and MRS. JOHN GLEASON, his wife; P. J. DONOVAN and GEORGE WRIGHT and MRS. MRS. P. J. DONOVAN, his wife; GEORGE WRIGHT, his wife; THOMAS J. DOOLEY and MRS. THOMAS J. DOOLEY, his wife; MARGARET DOOLEY, a woman; JOSEPH M. DOOLEY and MRS. JOSEPH M. DOOLEY, his wife; FIRST DOE, SECOND DOE and THIRD DOE; also all other persons per-sons unknown, claiming any right, title, interest or estate in or lien upon the real property described in the Plaintiff's Complaint Com-plaint adverse to the Plaintiffs ownership or clouding the Plaintiffs Plain-tiffs title thereto, Defendants. THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE SAID DEFENDANTS: You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon Morris & Matheson, attorneys at law, Bank of Southern Utah Building, Cedar City, Utah, an answer to the Complaint within 20 days after sen ice of this Summons upon you. If you fail so to do, judgment judg-ment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded de-manded in said Complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. This action is brought to recover re-cover a Decree quieting in the Plaintiff the title to the following follow-ing described lands situated in Iron County, Utah, to-wit: The North half of the Northeast North-east quarter; the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter; quar-ter; the North half of the Southeast quarter; the Southeast South-east quarter of the Northwest quarter; the Northeast quarter of the Southvvest quarter; and the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 23, Township 31 South, Range 19 VVest, Salt Lake Meridian in uitui, una containing azv acres, more or Jess. The North half of Section 10, Township 31 South, Range 19 West, Salt Lake Meridian, in Utah, and containing 320 acres, more or less. The West half of the Northwest quarter; the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter; and the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 26, Township 33 South, Range 19 West, Salt Lake Meridian, in Utah, and containing 160 acres, more or less. The North half of the Southwest South-west quarter; the Northwest quarter; and the West half of tt.c Northeast quarter of Section Sec-tion 19, or Lots 1, 2 and 3; the East half of the Northwest quarter; the Northeast quarter oi the Southwest quarter; and the West half of the Northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 32 South, Range 18 West, Salt Lake Meridian, in Utah, and containing 310.99 acres, more or less. All the West 115 acres of the Southwest quarter of Section 8; and the West 115 acres of the Northwest quarter of Section IV, Township 3-1 South, Range 18 West, Salt Lake Meridian, in Utah, and containing 230 acres, more or less. The East half of Section 4; the North half of Section 8; and all of Section 9, Township 3-1 South, Range 18 West, Salt Lake Meridian, containing 1280 acres, more or less. Dated this 11th day of December, Decem-ber, 1953. MORRIS & MATHESON, Attorneys for Plaintiff, By: DURHAM MORRIS, Address: Bank of Southern Utah Building, Cedar City, Utah. Plaintiff's Address: Newcastle, Utah. (Dec. 17, 24, 31, 1953, Jan. 7, 1954) |