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Show Ruth Lyman Makes Known Coming Nuptials Mr. and Mrs. Rulor. M. Lyman of this city announce the approaching ap-proaching marriage of their daughter Ruth, to Mr. Kimner Smith Jensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kimball Jensen of Cedar City. The marriage will take place on Wednesday, Dec. 23 at the home of the bride's parents with Bishop Karl O. Mitchell of the Parowan Third Ward performing per-forming the ceremony in the presence of immediate members of both families. Following their marriage the newlyweds will be honored at a reception from 7:30 to 9:30 p .m. in the Relief Society rooms of the First-Second Ward chapel here. Miss Lyman is a senior student stu-dent at the Parowan high school where she has been active in music, dramatics and public speaking, and she plans to finish fin-ish the school year and graduate with her class. |