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Show Stye porting FOOTBALL BOWL CONTEST FIRST PRIZE $2,(Q) IN CASH $jk SECOND PRIZE V THIRD PRIZE rv $T7 COO S50.00 Fourth Prize M S25.00 Fifth Prize If j&r&f on& Ten Pr'xe of $5 fr J each will be awarded ..,, Enrritt muil be received by THE SPORTING BOWL NEWS CONTEST EDITOR, P. 0. Bex 11. CONTEST St. Louis 3, Me., by boon of December 31, I 1953. CHOOSE 11 WINNERS FROM THIS LIST BY CIRCLING NAMES OF WINNING TEAMS (Designate where you think teams will play te tie score) Send your selections te THE SPORTING NEWS and. In not more than SO words, name the one team that will gain the most yardage by rushing ad passing, plus the number of yards you think it will gain by these means. SAMPLE FORM BOWL TEAM TEAM I 1 CIGAR - Missouri Vallej vs. UCrosse I . I i 1 I COTTON Rica vs. Alabama I I 1 I GATOR Tens Tech vs. Auburn I ORANGE Oklahoma v! Maryland I 1 PRAIRIE VIEW Prairie View vs. Texas Soitben llblE Michigan State vZ UClT I SALAD Great takes vs. Fart Or, Calif, j SHRIKE East vt Wert J SUGAR Georgia Tech vs. Wert Virginia j SUN Mississippi Southern vs. Texas Western j TAMGER1KE East Tens vs. Arkansas State j (Nam print t tyee) J I Team with most yardage Yards. j I think J I -I I I I I I I I J NAME J I ADDRESS ! i CITY ZONE STATE j Nome of My Paper is -J YOU WILL RECEIVE $500 ADDITIONAL if you can name the 1 1 winners and actual yardage gained by rushing and passing by leading team listed in the above bracket. FOLLOW THESE RULES CAREFULLY The hjrrt of THE SPORTING NEWS I OOTB ALL BOWL CONTEST If te (elect wlanrn of the II limn littrd above. After maklnx your prediction! by circling namrx ef oinnlni tramx. Hot the name f the tram you think will tain mml yardage by rushlnr and palnr. plua the nomhrr f yardi yon think it will sain by theie mcani. Tbii prediction will have a bearing on ike awarda only in the case two or more eonteitanta are tied In the (election of vlatnlnf tramx. Conleitinli muit make all II (election! and dctignate a choice of team to gain the moat net yardage together wllb the prediction of the mod net yardage gained by to(h Inf and paiaing. Print your name, (treat a"artn, city, (one and (tale on yonr entry'. Entry nut aabmtltrd on a poital card l in an envelope) to THE SPORTING NEWS CONTEST EDITOR. P. O. Box II, St. Loala I, Mo. Copy the form (bote on a psttal card. No part of THE STORTING NEWS or inn newipaper will be required. Yonr entry mull ho in the olTIco of THE SPORTING NEWS by noon of December SI, IMS. In event of poitponement of any game or a change la the eeaednle neeeaaltating ta being played on a day ether than achedaled or game net being played aa lined. Shea each game ta automatically excluded from the context. A Irxt prlie o'f 1200 will be awarded the individaal wheae entry aamea alt (election! (elec-tion! correctly. If mere than one eontedant namea all winnen correeUy, the Bret prixe rlnnor will be aeieeted by checking the accuracy of the team named te gain the moat yardage, and by computing hew eloio the eontedant cornea to the correct yardage made, a eaie of abaolale Ilea duplicate priiea will be awarded. In the event no entry eonlalna all aelectiona correct, the neareit number ef correct (election! will receive Brit prlxe. oeond prlxe of 11(10, third prlie of ;ft. fourth prlxe of 150, filth prixe of $26, and lea riaea of li each will be awarded te eontedanta whete (election! fellow next in order. Winnen of this context will be announced In the raeue ef THE STORTING NEWS dated Jannary tl. 1:4 and in thle newipaper during the (erne week. Decldona of the Jodgea wi'l be final In all caici. Each tonleMant ia limited to ONE (et of xelectlona In fairnete te othen. Each entry aaad be eubmlited on a podal card, pot In an envelope. Any person or prrioni may enltr tbii conlcC, excepting employee ef THE STORT IN Q NEtVS and their famillea. an invitation I to prospective used 1 car buyers Bradshaw Chevrolet Company cordially invites you to examine our stock of dependable, OK Used Cars and Trucks. Over 50 fine models to choose from Completely Winterized I Liberal Terms Bradshaw Chevrolet Company 360 South Main Phone 680 I EDGES JJ1 'To You And Your Family rji 'Best Wishes f For The Jioliday Season" 1 uifctiM MBaavacaKtiaaxaafeKBwuaavxxxxaxxxxH Fourth Annual Bronco Invitational Basketball Tournament Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday DECEMBER 21. 22 and 23 College of Southern Utah Fieldhouse SIX OUTSTANDING TEAMS including iAvSL f COLLEGE OF I MA-'Mv SOUTHERN UTAH V0C RICKS COLLEGE Tf4v&i SAN BERNARDINO Ml t LM JUNIOR COLLEGE vSJs. WESTMINSTER VSSO DIXIE O FULLERTON JUNIOR COLLEGE THREE GAMES EACH EVENING with game time at 6:30 p. m. LA 8:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. V v Admission: Tourney Ticket - $4.0(1 Each Evening $1.5 sMigM huiionthai evermmouiofJSadur KENTUCKY STRAIGHT ' BOURBON WHISKEY 1 pTSrs thereis j jpj: j aiWays Kentucky's finestjlend JftX iSufinyBraJtp jlg BIEHDEQ vl 2ni?BM KENTUCKY BtEHDCOWHISKEY COfttAWS 65 MAI NEUTRAL SPIRITS THE OLD SUNNY BROOK COMPANY, LOlfSVILlE. Itl |