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Show Ballroom Decorations A committee of civic workers under the direction of Ross Glass have been hard at work this past week decorating the ballroom of Hotel El Escalante for the festive Yuletide season social affairs. Above is one corner of the room, which gives an idea of the outstanding type of decorations this year. Thus Old Santa, in all his glorious colors, should make an impressive sight to guests during the holiday season. Other paintings, all by Cal Bates of Cedar City, and completely encircling the ballroom, include Santa and his eight reindeer, the shy bear under the mistletoe, pixies galore, plus many other seasonal drawings. The committee commit-tee should be commended for its outstanding work this year and all organizations using the hall during the season sea-son owe the committeemen a vote of thanks. Hotel Ballroom Gets Holiday Mood Beautification The ballroom of El Escalante Hotel, where the major portion of community functions are held, has been beautifully decorated for the holiday season through-a through-a cooperative program between local civic groups. As has been done for the past several years all clubs who use the ballroom for holiday social functions have pooled. their efforts to decorate the room. An unusually beautiful and appropriate ap-propriate decorative plan was formulated this year, with Cal Bates, local art instructor, providing pro-viding mural type paintings as the principal features of the decorations. dec-orations. He has painted very attractive holiday scenes to cover cov-er all the walls of the ballroom, and these together with pine bow decorations about the ceiling ceil-ing and center posts and a Christ-mas Christ-mas tree, a very striking effect has been achieved. Mr. Bates' work is so effective that just a visit to the ballroom Is a pleasant pleas-ant surprise, and certainly will add much to th holidav snirit during social functions. The committee in charge of the decorations is composed of representatives repre-sentatives from all groups who will use the hall during the holiday holi-day season. The members of this committee have done all of the work of decorating except the paintings by Mr. Bates. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Glass, representing rep-resenting the Chamber of Commerce, Com-merce, have acted as leaders of the committee, and have been assisted by Willard Hamilton of the Rotary Club, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Paulson and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Heaton, Kiwanis Club; Mrs. Keith Cripps, Mrs. Robert Linford. Mrs. Bobbie Hunter and Mrs. James Sandberg, 20-40 Dance Club; Mrs. Norman Es-meier Es-meier and Mrs. Wallace Osborne, Lions. |