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Show High School Hews MM By Hans Feig J Cedar City Seminary officers are making last minute preparations prepara-tions for the annual Seminary Swing which will be conducted Dec 18 at the Third Ward chapel. The semi-formal affair this year has the theme of "Blue Christmas." Officers of the Seminary are Dee Heyborne, president; Rose Marie Williams, vice president, and Joey Percy, secretary. They express confidence of a successful success-ful twine Th Ilpvwond orches tra has been engaged to furnish music and the officers are planning plan-ning a floor show and refreshments. refresh-ments. Something new has been added add-ed to this year's dance as a Seminary Swing assembly will be presented to the high school student body Friday morning. In charge of the program are Joy Flanigan and Marlon Sprague. "Blue Christmas" will follow the numbers to be presented. Christmas will be celebrated at Cedar City high school Wednesday, Wed-nesday, Dec. 23 when school dismisses dis-misses for the holidays. Preceding dismissal of school Wednesday afternoon, the student stu-dent body will assemble In the Eym for a short Christmas program, pro-gram, singing of carols and a phonograph dance. Student body officers are supervising sup-ervising the afternoon's affair and since no orchestra was secured, se-cured, they felt that a phonograph phono-graph dance would be different and just as successful. Each home room will contribute contrib-ute a number on the program. Tjesday morning, Dec. 22, the high school assembly committee commit-tee has planned a Christmas assembly as-sembly for the student body. The Cedar City Elks Lodge has consented to sponsor a Christmas Christ-mas Bnd New Year's Eve dance tot the high school student body. The Yuletide affair will be held In the gym Dec. 25 and the New Year's dance, Dec. 31. The club will also provide for i.olscniakers and hats for the students. stu-dents. John Mulr, Cedar City high school senior, was the final state "Voice of Democracy" winner at the speech finals at Brigham City Dec. 12. Of the final 30 recorded speeches, speech-es, Mr. Muirs was Judged outstanding. out-standing. Mr. Mulr has been in this country only four months, coming from Gilllngham, Kent, England. Student body officers at Cedar City high school asked the home rooms to start decorating their rooms for Christmas Dec. 15. Each year, festive ornaments and drawings can be seen In the Individual home rooms at the lUgh school. They will be judged by selected students and teachers teach-ers who In turn will announce the finalists at the Christmas party Dec. 23. Simplicity and originality will count in the judging. judg-ing. Cash prizes will be awarded to the winners. Rose Marie Williams, seminary 'vice president, regrets to announce an-nounce the postponement of the planned Dec. 28 Christmas dance until a later date. She says too many affairs are on the agenda for the holiday season and so no night was available avail-able for their dance. She adds that the dance will be held as promised at a later date. |