Show OP CO-OP FURNITURE GO HEADQUARTERS FOR FURNITURE TURE AND CARPETS CARPE TS T'S CALL AND SEE US WE WILL TREAT YOU RIGHT Ellerbeck an and Cannon DENTISTS Rooms 3 4 5 6 Union National 1 Bank Building ENTRANCE SOUTH SIDE i Em pire Co 34 RICHARDS STREET J SALT LAKE CITY i r CADET MILITARY ARY r RAILROAD SOCIETY D' D f AND POLICE t i UNIFORMS Made from Utah Cloth with Best Trimmings and Workmanship Regulation Goods at Regulation Regulation Regulation Reg Reg- Prices GEO MU MULLETT CO Should be Your Hatters Furnishers and Clothiers 21 2123 21 23 25 Commercial Block SALT LAKE CITY I I F. F L. L Bayly Go DRUGGISTS T TP P Perfumeries and Toilet Articles Physicians Physician's Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Cor Main and Third South I CLIFT HOUSE HoeSE SALT LAKE CITY Brown Terry Woo ruff Co LEADING HA HATTERS AND FURRIERS Patronize the Celebrated TROY STEAM LAUNDRY TELEPHONE MAIN ST STREET EIGHTEEN YEARS IN SALT LAKE DR C. C W. W HIGGINS The well well-km well wn SPECIALIST has removed to more elegant and commodious parlors s 17 and 18 ST. ST ELMO HOTEL Has practiced practice in Salt Lake City eighteen years and the wonderful and well established cures he has effected in that tune turne prove the scientific principle on vh th his remedies are compounded Forming diagnosis by the aid of ot the micro micros ope enables him to detect the primary cause of disease and nd effect a radical cure The doctor has cured thousands thousand of ca cages caes es of ot NERVOUS DEBILITY MENTAL and PHYSICAL WEAKNESS and NERVOUS PROSTRATION PROSTRATION TION TIUN and will forfeit Five Hundred Dollars for any case taken under nis treatment which he lie fails tails to cure All clas classes es of private diseases cured and all old diseases which vitiate the blood and impair the system thoroughly and permanently cured Liver and kidney complaint cured ALL CLASSES OF FITS CURED TAPEWORM REMOVED WITH HEAD OK on No PAY |