Show II r AI fi f f 1 i L s Ss S i LOCAL DEPARTMENT r. r I II III I I wu w III 1 r 11 rn r rr r rt rn ear rn 1 rn Z rn Qi 11 rn Ern rn i s rn a rn iF b 1 n rn 12 IT IS 75 AN OPEN SECRET That the football team broke the camera t. t That the dark room has become very historic i j That Reynolds and Driggs are great debaters That the Phi has a monopoly Ol on the dances That queer sights are aie seen in the girls' girls dressing room That one-hour one recitations grow exceedingly exceed exceed- singly tiresome That there is a very bashful young man among us That Faculty meetings attract a great deal of interest That a matrimonial engagement was recently broken That the drill grounds are not a credit to the U University Ir s That Six-hairs Six has not made himself so V j- j S' S officious this year f j A 4 I r That much time is IS saved by the new f method of registering I 1 x That G. G R. R Ys moustache is making R 1 him round That J Wallace would make a good match for Jim Corbetti Corbett i That the tailor who made the uniforms f t t this I year was a big success x That strange scenes and it occurrences take place in the laboratory That drill has not been so much of a farce this year as it was last I That need a new fl flag g for the building when spring comes That the museum is a good one butone's but butone's butone's ones one's almost afraid to go in there That the University has the best laboratory laboratory labor labor- laboratory atory and equipments in the Territory That the boys are on to the navy blue dresses which are becoming so num num- erous That the football team felt a little sore over their defeat by the farmers of Logan That a few students have the exclusive privilege t to camp in the west end of the Library That the girls blush when you ask them if you may visit their physical culture culture culture cul cul- ture class That some students think the changes in the Faculty last year were not sweeping sweep sweep- ing enough That the invention for keeping the Libl Library ary door closed is a very very ingenious ingenious in ingenious in- in genious one That a lady could reap a rich harvest if she kept a first-class first bakery store inthe in inthe inthe the basement That the Board of Regents selected three good Professors Professors Mathews Mathews Marshall Marshall Mar Mar- Marshall shall and Kerr That the University turned out a normal normal normal nor nor- mal graduate last year who could not spell equal correctly That the Ag College cannot surpass the University in their pretty girls if they can in football That Lakers Laker's alkaloids are obtaining wide celebrity for their peculiar strength and effective purpose f i d |