Show 2 I 1 0 2 G v le e v U UTHE I 1 IWI I. I i Il j THE WORLD OF SPORTS 5 J f f i I 11 2 M ME i Ls 9 e zt tIo i 1 T 1 r 1 il I l- l PlC V Z t. t t t 1 T r The baseball season of 1892 is i over but the University of Utah team has won enough glory for themselves and the crimson crimson crimson crim crim- son and silver to la last t for some time The boys made a trip to Logan on the of July where they vanquished the Logan club then they began to look around for forr big game but it was not until October that they crossed bats with the Salt Lake professional nine and defeated them also the score being six to four However some of the members of the Salt Lake club do not think they were fairly beaten In the inning for Salt Lake two hands were out and base runners were on f each second aud and third bases the batsman knocked a fair ball out into the field andR and R started for first base about halfway halfway halfway half half- way there he turned and cut across the I diamond to second For this he was called out by the umpire who also decided decided decided de de- that since this put the side out the runs of the two base runners who in the meantime had gone in to home should not be counted This umpire was removed removed removed re re- moved and his successor attempted to overrule the latter part of the decision and have the runs in question scored but the scorer refused to accept his order So at atthe atthe atthe the close of the ninth inning while the official score was six to four the Salt Lake nine insisted that it was a tie of four to four and wanted to go on playing but the U. U of U. U team refused to do this and claimed the game Here is an opportunity opportunity for some authority on baseball to give an opinion Mr Samuel Doxey who is now studying studying study study- ing architecture in the University of Illi Illi- jl I V nois will be remembered by all our older students Mr NIr Doxey was not only an earnest student but an athlete and as as- the boys would say handy with his fists At Galesburg he developed into an ideal football player and up to the the- time he met with an accident which com- com pellen him to refrain for some time from playing he held the position of center rush in the University of Illinois eleven which met with such phenomenal success success- last year It was about a year ago that the foot football football football ball team from the United States Military Military- Academy at West Vest Point met the crack eleven from the United States Naval NavalA A Academy ademy at Annapolis and wrested victory victory victory vic vic- tory from them This was was' the first time in the history of the two institutions that their cadets had competed for foot ball honors and the interest in the contest was was- very great I It t was even said that both the Secretary of War and the Secretary tary of the Navy who were interested parties had wagers upon the outcome So when the two teams met again at West Point a few days before Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Thanks Thanks- giving just as much enthusiasm was was- I aroused as before Although the West Pointers tried hard to to- retain their laurels laurels- the navy boys fighting with the determination determination deter deter- deter determination of redeeming themselves were were- too much for them On the return of the victors down the Hudson river one might have heard the song 1 Twelve to four twelve to four Wasn't it a daisy score Mr Call who pitched for the U University University ni er- er sity of Utah nine last season is teaching school at Heber City |