Show I Miss Theo Clays has left school The John ohn R. R Park society has busted A. A sink has been put in the room The Delta Phi will give one of their ever popular parties on the 2301 r The use of sn smoking oking tobacco in the basement became quite prevalent Physical culture comes every Thursday Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- day and Miss Babcock has also a special class Miss Belle Armstrongs Armstrong's health became so poor as to necessitate her leaving school Some attempt was made during the first t term rm to organize a band but it fell through Wright has delivered two lectures lectures lectures lec lec- tures one on permanent bridges the other otheron on temporary The long looked for lectures in the Department of Military Science and Tactics Tactics Tactics Tac Tac- tics have at last come Prof Whitney goes to Springville to tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow to- to morrow to deliver a lecture before the Teachers' Teachers convention Mr L. L E. E Young intends to take the boys in the higher chemistry sleigh bob ing in the near future Registrar Allen does not seem to hurry much in attending to any business the students students students stu stu- dents have with him Lash Lashbrook brook Laker was elected president president president dent and L. L E. E Young secretary of the Phi for the second term The chapel exercises which were discontinued discon discontinued dis dis- con continued a long time ago have again commenced But Janitor N is no longer seen flying around with keys in v w i t his hands locking the students out in the cold if they happen to be late nor is it compulsory to attend chapel if you are in inthe inthe inthe the building McIntyre has left school The office of Second Lieutenant made vac vacant nt by his I leaving will most likely be filed by Bag- Bag ley Well I guess Ill I'll go up in the library J. J and sleep another hour was a remark made by a student after coming out of of room 17 j The set of geometrical models which arrived some time ago is the best between the State University at Madison Wis and the University of California The man who runs the store on the the- corner daily makes inquiries concerning students who owe him some money We We- think the fellow has been fleeced Some of the girls became almost frantic frantic frantic fran fran- tic when it was announced that the Faculty Faculty Faculty Fac Fac- had decided to close school for the holidays on the 23 1 instead of the Many complaints have been heard in I regard to some le of the students in general chemistry who use distilled water to wash their desks and even their r hands This should be stopped Hon C. C C. C Goodwin editor of the the- Salt Lake Tribune and a great champion champion champion cham cham- pion of silver will deliver a lecture at the the- University on the white metal shortly after the holidays holiday The remark made by Wright in one of his lectures about the dislike of of- soldiers for work reminds us of a young man with this failing who enlisted in the army because his sweetheart refused to to- continue paying his board bills The The- lieutenant added however that during an excitement it is surprising how much will be accomplished by soldiers if a spirit of rivalry can be aroused among among- them j |