Show CF W Vw am- am ON UNIVERSITY OF UTAH UNIVERSITY AV 00 FORMERLY UNIVERSITY OF DESERET u i p i SALT LAKE bAKE CITY u U. U T T. The Courses Offered Following are E 1 B If Jour our Classical Course 3 E 2 H it jf gears gears' Course in ene al Science r rE E 00 3 B Ll four s' s Course in setters letters J E 4 H B bree gears gears' Course in Mining ant opining Mining 3 E 5 H B jf sears gears 1 lI C Bourse oute e 3 TWO YEARS PREP AX 1 all all- 6 0 H it bree gears gears' ea J 10 Course r r TWO YEA YEARS Pi c C r F t w f c I W 11 I r I J The first five of these courses courses' lead to degrees Instruction in Military Science e and 00 Tactics will will will-be be continued contin A preparatory reparatory school designed to prepare students to pursue OF any of the University Course Courses is op open n to persons of both sex sexes s over fifteen years of age e- e alb alb- Students are admitted without charges for tuition to any course they are prepared to 1 I 1 40 40 MIN pursue There is an annual admission n fee of for residents of the Territory and op ow 2500 for non Students may receive permits for reduced fares over the railways in Utah dD- dD For further information apply y to II U. U 2 acting Dieting l l 1 1 l 4 l del l l ll A lb t l bbl A l ld l Jl 4 l PRESS F IRRIGATION ACE fi SAiT A L V I CITY |