Show eA e A 4 GU GUESS SS AT THE ENGLAND OF SHAI ESPEAR By Lily A. A Doug Dong In In the Dec No of the Li Literary Northwest The England of Elizabeth and Shakes- Shakes pear pear is not an easy age to photograph since its most sti striking characteristic is its lack of repose It was a transitional age Feudalism was going out as an institution though chivalric customs still gave color to the times Englishmen had long been proverbially t fierce and their fierceness having established their position they were now learning learning learning learn learn- ing to be gay Human life was held in light esteem and this gave a touch of bravado to all classes The educational standard of the time was not high Public Public Pub Pub- lic lie schools had only recently been established established and they were looked upon with aio no kindly eye by the conservatives who brought against them the charge that all the teach teachers rs from Socrates down have had to meet that of perverting the minds of youths In dress the taste was extravagant ex- ex extravagant and fanciful It copied and mingled the fashions of all the countries of Europe Astrology of course held high rank among th the sciences Astronomy was just beginning to walk alone Medicine dwelt on the he debatable ground between science and superstition But however it was a time of great commercial activity Manufactures were fostered and the Elizabethan age produced some men of great feat mind In 1587 a troupe of the Queens Queen's play- play I r BI players among whom was young Richard Richard Richard Rich Rich- ard Burbage made the rounds of the provinces They set up their platform stage in the streets of on Avon von and here the boy Will Vill son of one Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakes Shakes- peare a yeoman paid his pence to see the actor We can never know what part this incident had in in awaking the dreams dream'S and ambitions of Shakespeare but we do know that in a few years humanity found its poet |