Show The following occurs in the Colorado C Colle Collegian r ian t Much interest has been manifested in politics recently the literary societies have had debates and aud speeches the Democrats have indulged in a bonfire and voted the- the pop gun ticket the Republicans have have- challenged the Democrats to a free fight t to to take place at any time there have even been heated political discussions at Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Mont gomery Hall much soda water has has- changed hands but everything is peace peace- ful The students of the University of Utah are likewise peaceful to the best of our om- knowledge and belief though of the the- causes for their exceeding calmness in this direction we would not speak with impunity impunity impunity im im- except in subdued tones To the young political adventurer should there be any among us so forgetful of his college college college col col- lege history as to launch his political opinions without due motive so to speak we would say that before making any challenges at the top of his v voice oice he he- would better hearken to the still small voice in ro room room m 14 and be made acquainted acquaint acquaint- ed with himself Do you understand |