Show A very interesting case was brought to the notice of the psychology class this week A child whose head had been operated on onby by Dr Cantwell for the purpose purpose purpose pur pur- pose of removing pressure on the brain was brought to the class by the parents and physician October 5 the child which was then about five months old was taken to the doctor Its weight was twenty-five twenty pounds and its body was well developed but the head was deformed and the expression expression expression ex ex- of the face was perfectly idiotic The eyes which were useless were dif dif- ferent the pupils of one being very large while the other could hardly be seen The childs child's attention could not be at attracted attracted attracted at- at or held in any way but it seemed to recognize its mothers mother's voice It possessed the senses of taste and touch the latter being so acute that the child would nearly go into spasms if touched or jarred by any anyone one Another power the child did not possess was that of motion it would lie still and whine piteously shedding no tears The doctor after an examination decided decided decided de de- that the trouble was caused cause l by the brain being compressed and on the ty-fifth ty of November with the aid of bf two other physicians he placed the child under tinder under un- un der the influence of ether and removed a apiece apiece apiece piece of its skull one-half one inch wide and three inches long The head was then restored to its proper prope shape and the piece which had been removed was replaced Since the operation the childs child's head has developed very much It seems to have gained the use of its eyes and its attention attention attention atten atten- tion can now be attracted and held It is no longer agitated when touched or or jarred It It can move its head freely the whine has changed to a and the cry expression expression expression ex ex- of the face is much more Intel- Intel The parents and physician were very kind in explaining the case to the students students students stu stu- dents of the class who were doubly interested in in- in interested as they had just then been studying studying study study- ing the subjects of sense-perception sense and sense interpretation sense sense- I I f |