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Show HAS MANY USEFUL PURPOSES. Easily Made Work Case Valuables for a Variety of Constantly Used Household Implements. Ono of thoso usorul llttlo wprk cases which always mako such acceptable ac-ceptable gifts mny bo seen In our sketch, and with a llttlo caro and Ingenuity In-genuity can easily bo mndo by any one blessed with clovor fingers. Tho outor caso should bo of strong silk or brocade, lined with wash-leather, and bound at tho edges with narrow i ribbon. Llttlo wash-leather pockeU are provided for tho scissors, and will help to keep thorn bright and In good condition when not In use, and thoro are straps of ribbon arranged to hold bodkins, a button-hook, a stlllotto and a thimble in the center, whllo other straps for holding packets of needles aro provided on the flap of either side. Thoro Is a larger flap at the top, which folds down over tho other two, and Is finally tied across with ribbon ends. This flap is furnished with several pieces of flannel, which serve tho purpose of a needle-book. A- |