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Show Unhappy Lot of Chlneeo Doctors, Ho patches health by contract. Knch family from whom ho rocelvos a yearly year-ly Htipond can command his services at will. Hunco his Interest Is to Uuop down sickness among subscribers. eBpoolally since ovory day of lllnoss moans to him not only loss of tlmo, but tho deduction of a day's pay from bis honorarium. Comparatively secure Is tho lot of tho ordinary Chinese practitioners, for whom tho utmost penalty for a mischance mis-chance is loss of Income, as compared with thnt of the imperial court pbysl clan. To this high functionary, who nttonds tho high otllclals also, inability inabil-ity to euro a- patient is n matter of gravor moment. Thus in Novombor Inst tho deaths of tho empress dow-ngor dow-ngor nnd tho young omporor resulted in tho degradation by two classes of llvo doctors, whllo tho prosldont of tho Imporlai hospital and two assistants woro prohibited altogotbor from following fol-lowing tholr profession. -Harpor's Weekly. |