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Show UNCLE DICK'S BBBfl - i " JIMMY imODFJJUCK'fl Undo Dick was riot only a groat Inventor, but ono of the klndoat mon that bbb ovor lived, H Although ho earned IiIh living by ln HBB renting useful things llko automatic FB plows that would plow a wliolo field In BH the night tlmo whllo tho farmer lay In B bad aslcop, nnd automatic flHh polos BMB that would bait tholr own hooks and BBB throw out tholr own lines nnd pull in BMB tholr own fish nnd tnko thorn off nnd BMB bait tho hooka ovor again, still Undo BBB Dlok wns ready nt a mlnuto'H notico to RBBB drop nil thnt sort of thing nnd invent BMB aomolhlng to give n boy pleasure. RBMB! Jimmy IJrodorlck know this nnd bo BBBfl took groat euro of Undo DIch, carrying Kflfl mi umbrella for him wlwn It ml nod nnd BRBfl -watchlnK to'seo that bo nto IiIh iiiuuIh KBB regularly, for llko nil groat inventors. flflfl Undo Dlok could not takn caro'of him- BKBB very well. H "What would you like for tho Fourth BBBfl of July, Jimmy?" asked Undo Dick flflfl about a week boforo that Important flflfl day. B "I would llko most of all to have n flflfl jsreat bin sky rocket," Haiti Jimmy, Bflfl "You shall hnve one," said IiIh unclo, Rflfl And Immediately wont Into bin Invon- ftflfl 'lory shop, which Ih tho tunny name B that bo kiivo to tho little room where ftflfl Ho Invented tiling. H The telephono bell rang n Rood dual flflfll that day. On the very next morning u flflfll big truck arrived from the elty with ftfll - two big ennks on it. Thny wero palntod RflK red and marked "Dnugorl Powdorl" In ftfll lilg letters. Thoru were also Iiuko rolls vt think pasteboard, each shoot biff ftfll onuuglt to make tho whole sldo of n flflj house, nnd there were ho many of flflj them that tho horses could hardly pull flflj ' B Undo Dlok rubbed IiIh hands and- KB chuckled llko anythliiK whou ho nnw RflJ tho material, B "You shnll certainly havo. a sky ftflj ro(!)(ut,'rttiT fie to Jimmy. "And tho KB boBLfif it In (hat tho Kreater part of flBl . SMh country for huudroda ,. of.. miles BflJ , "- -ivnrWfid Avlll have one, too.'' H , Jimmy wan very curious and still B f -more puxzlod, but bo know thnt Uncle B 'I Dick did not like to explain bis Invon B tlntis beforehand, so ho nsked no quos- B Mens, but merely kept bis eyes open Bj nnd did not go out of hIkIiI of tho In- KB Vontory shop alt morning. B Boforo noon a Kreat gang of men ir- KB rived, and under Undo Dick's orders B I boy began to enrry nil tho material to KB (bo pnstttrt', whom tbuy dupoHlted It B iirouml a hugo old dead pluo troe that B dood smooth nnd atrnlghl reaching flflj Into the air fully SO feet without a B hittuoh to break It except on tho tq flflj top, and that wan uoou none, too, for H Undo Dlok aont men up tboro and B thoy lopped it oft ho that then the BBB tree Htood aleek and smooth llko a KB B Thou the shootB of paHtobonrd were B laid, on tho grouiu and rolled Into n M rtjat eyllitder 30 feet long ami at least H ten feet in diameter. B , Ah soon as a sheet waa rollod Into m aliape tho men tied it tightly with HH yards on yunls of ixtpo and then an- B otber nheet was rolled around the Urst K and more rope tied around that and M tio on until all tho pasteboard bad boon Bh used up, and that waa audi a lot that H it took the men all day with the hardest H Utud of work. H Thu nxt day tboy npeuod the caska m of powder and bogim to load It In and H In, hour after hour, until the last Kruln B wvh pounded In sood and bard, and H Jimmy's Unci Dick Hald: H HSo! There's 800 pounds of powder H in there. That ouKbt to mtvUi her H.v." H MUut how about the stick T" thought Hj Jimmy. He did not say It. knowing H liow 9i It la to HK)tl an Invtiutor's H IdtMis by tutwrrtiptlitK blm with frlv- H (pious Qonvnrfttlon. H , lie was to lnrn very hkiu how about B tho stick, for as soon as t ! mljchty Hj 'Undur was all finished. Uncle Dick H lind a derrick rlKKed. and up went the B h) thins until it daiKld alouKide of H , thu dead nine tree tuvu- the dluiy top Ht IU BBj Tlxut tiiUshty enbUw ver sunt up H nnd tho men limbed the Itauled past H ioitrrl cyUudor to tbo treo until It Vvas H (miUiely bidden by ropua. H MNow Tor tho fuse," said Undo Dlok. H Ho Mt the men to work untwisUtif; H rop wutil tboy had more than 300 H ifltlt all nurtured. Uncle Dick wut H wp th darrlck and put tho end of the H tmrnvftloU rope Into tho bottom purl of H tb rockft. Then bo pourxtd koi-osene H ' oil all ovr it and rubbed gunpowder J Into H That ftruoou Uucl Diuk tient out H Invitations both by mail and by mo- H Kiiffr to ylew as far away x SOQ H latlw. Mylns; Bj "Jhimty Ucojlurlok nispoatfully lu H vlttts you to ula Unola Dlek's farm to H jio blm set off tho btlHuat skyrocket In tho world on tho ovonlng of tbo Fourth of July." Unclo Dick also sent word to th papers about It, and on tho evening of tho Fourth moro than 10,000 peoplo wore nt tho farm, wondering at tho lm monso skyrocket and trembling all ovor at tbo thought of tho explosion when Bho wont off, And all over the land peoplo who could not go to tho fnrm wero watching tho heavens and paying very little attention to tho other oth-er fireworks of tho United States, be. causo tho papers had told all about tho rocket and bad oxplalned that It could bo seen hundreds of mllos when It went up. When tbo tlmo came, Undo Dick gave Jimmy a big piece of lightod punk nnd thon ho ntood In front of tho troo nnd said: "Ladles and Oentlomon: You will notico that this troe la inclined toward the north, My calculations toll mo that wbon tho rockot 1b lit it will pull the troo clear out of tho ground and go north for at least 1,000 miles, which will bring it ovor uninhabited country, wbero It will fall without hurting anybody, any-body, unions a bear or a mooBo should got in tho way. Now, Jimmy, "touch hoi off!" Jimmy touched tho ond of tho fuao and thon everybody rnn nway to a safe distance. The lire climbed Hwlftly, and suddenly with n bang that shook the hills and broke the windows even in towns 100 miles nwny, tho giant rdekot wont off. Out came tho troe, roots nnd all, and sailed grandly Into the sky with a hissing hiss-ing trail of fire behind It. Tho nmazed Ucbt "Ten Thousand People Were There,1 spectators watched It for moro than half an hour, getting smaller and smaller, till It dlmtppearod In tho northern sky. For days after that tho paper printed reports from distant places from people peo-ple who had seen a wonderful fiery thing In the night. Hy means of theso reports. It was possible for Uncle Dlok to pursue the course of his wonderful rocket until bo found that It had gone far ovor Canada; but he could not learn where It bad fnlhtt and he did not learn until recently. Hut about a week ago a hunter who lind been In the vry far north of Can-atla. Can-atla. near Hudson bay, shooting miiHk oxen, visited Undo Dick. He told a lot of IntenHitlitK bunting adventure, and dually said: "The (lueorest thing that I saw was far up In tho burren land where there nrp no tree. One day 1 nw outrthing odd some distance a way, anil I went there on my snow shoes. "What do you suppose I found? A mighty troo! That wis quotr enough up there. Uutuueoror still was the fact that this tree did not stand In the ground us other treats do. but stood roots up with Its crown burled deeply tit the sol). It wis the most marvelous sight I have even seem, mid I can hardly hard-ly believe It yet. I would glvo a good deal to know what caused this strange freak it nature." Unelo Dick chuckled and winked at Jimmy. "Did you over homr of Jimmy's wonder won-der fil skyrocket?" he asked. "No, iiovor,H said the hunter. MYou know I have ben in the wilderness a long time," So Undo Dick told him. After he got through the hunter said: "I am glad to know this. I lntoudd to write u book nbqut it but now l shall be able to save myfif, the trouble," ' |