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Show PLEASED JOHN ADAMS. Early Celebration of the Fourth in, Philadelphia Described in Statesman's Letter. Noise and (lroworkB, parndes and display and oven liquor sot their mark upon tho anniversary of tho nUlon's birth whllo tho nation was still very young and tho tory was yet abroad In tho Innd. A picturesque description of the first nnuunl celebration of the nation's na-tion's birthday, 1777, when tho United bintea was a year old, is that by John Adams in a letter to hla daughter, written from Philadelphia. "YeBtor-day "YeBtor-day being the anniversary of Amor-lcnn Amor-lcnn Independence," ho snyB, "wo colebrated cole-brated here with a festivity and ceremony cere-mony befitting tho occasion. I wont on board tho Delaware with tho president presi-dent and several of the marine committee, com-mittee, soon after which wo woro saluted sa-luted with a dlschnrgo of 13 gunH, which was followed by 13 others from each of the armed vessels on tho rlvc. After tho presidential party had come ashoroji thero followed, according to Mr. Adams' lettor, a "good dinner and good cheer." And there was "flno music from tho band of Hessians taken at Trenton nnd continual volleys vol-leys between every tonst from n company com-pany of soldiers drawn up In Second street," Then came a parade of tho companies and regiments. Of tho evening colobratlon ho writes: "I was out walking nbout tho streets for a llt-tlo llt-tlo fresh nlr nnd oxcrclso nnd was surprised to find thnt tho whole city had lighted up their can dies at tho windows. I think It wns the most splendid illumination I ever saw." Howevor, tho nntlonnl Independence was first celebrated July 8, 177C, four days after tho signing of tho Declaration, Declara-tion, according to Marshall, "on n warm Bunshlne morning," in tho ynrd of tho statohouso (at Philadelphia) "where, In tho presonco of a great concourBo of people, tho Declaration of Independence was road by Jphn Nixon. The compnny declared their approbation by their repented huzzas. Tho king's nrmB woro taken down in tho courtroom, aftor which we went to the commons, where tne Bnme was proclaimed at each of tho Ave battalions. bat-talions. Flno starlight, pleasant evening. even-ing. There wero bonfires, ringing bolls and other demonstrations of Joy," One day later, July 9, tho declaration declara-tion wbb colebrated at Now York In a manner directed by Washington. After this each rocurrlng July 4 wbb observed by the army. In 1777 It was celebrated by a "feu do Jole" (volley) and every soldier was given an extra gill of rum. In 1779 the day brought Joy to wrongdoers In the army, All prisoners under sentence of death wero granted pardons by Washington and ' released from confinement |