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Show TURKISH DAY OF REJOICING. Hospitable Welcome Accorded to All During the Month of Ramazan. Every year In Turkey, In tlm month of Ilamazan, as thoy term It niilcn l tho month when the Koran was re fcalcd, In 2G parts, to Mohammed - was for years a general custom lu Turkoy for tho Turks to open theli houses at 12 o'clock, tho Turkish sun sot tlmo, to Btrnngers and anyone was permitted to entor and tako supper, n moat tho Turks call ovlftar, during ilamazan. No mattor how poor or how rich tho persons, and whether a comploto stranger or noar friend, thoy como JuBt boforo tho sunset hour, and all aro seated at tho truly hospitable tablo boforo 12 o'clock. Immediately after tho roar of tho cannons announces sunsot tho Turks oat olthcr an olivo or a dato, It being tho legend that tho holy prophet did this, and those who smoko may begin as soon as tho dato or ollvo, supposed to bo tho fruits of paradise, disappears. Then como Jollies, Jol-lies, as It Is a belief in Turkoy that sweets "collect tho senses," whatever thnt may monn. Oddly enough, soups follow tho Bw'oots. and then nftcr that ogga cooked in butter aro sorved, followed fol-lowed In turn by mutton chops ?r roasted moat; these aro succeeded by vegotublos, and tho vegotablos by n Bort of sugarless pudding, called bcurok, and after this tho famous baclava or kadalf. Aftor all this moro ment courses, fish, and vegetables aro Berved, and such sweots us rice milk (gullaj aud-InJ), aud-InJ), native bhmo mango (mnhallobl). pllat with hlBhad or Junket (yaourt) and coffee. |