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Show THE LAST STRAW. M llneli Was Omrlixikxl by tho l'rouil TJoc H ton Ulrl, but She Draw the Mn. H Thoy wcro stnndlnjr by tho window H looking out nt tho ;oldun suusot. His H nrm wus around licr slondor waist atI M her head rostud conlidinglv on bis H manly shoulder. Llfo looked rosy to H tho youthful pair, aud uot a vlilhlo H , cloud obscured thu lirnmiiioiit of tliolr H "Perseus." alio murmured, "ilscoms H Incredible that wo not er luut uiitiithrea H ucoksngo." H "It dou!, indeed, Andromeda,1" ro- H plied tho youth. "Wo liuvo lir.d hardly H tltuo to become- ncqtmiiitvd with each H other's pcctilinrilie-; unit prejudices. H Yot it scums ns if wit must luivo Itnown H i ono another always." H "And that reminds mc, Porscus." H rejoined tho lovoly Now England girl, H thoughtfully adjusting licr spectacles, H ''that I havo never heard you express H your opinion of thcosophy'." H "Sly opinion of thcosopy, lovo."" tho H young man said, lircnklne it to lior as H gently as ha could, "Is tlmt tho systotn H ns thus far developed hardly meets H tho requirements of an oxnot Hclence." H It was asovoroBliock, but tho maiden. H did uot llluch. She only loaned a H llttlo harder on tho young rnau'a H shoulder. H "You find much to ndmlro In Emer- son nud Thorcnti, do ) ott not?" sha H asked hopefully. H "I cannot say I do. Tho ouo ecoins H too transcendental, tho other ill most H atbcistlc." M "Surely, Porseus, yon like IbsonP" - L' H "Ibson, my do.tr, makes mo tl ho H wearies mo." H "Docs not tho Dolsartcauldoanppcal H to you favorably?" H "H'ml This Delsartcan business. H dearest. I regard its a harmloss kind o( B thing. Hiiitahlo for U'-ycar-old acliool M girls who havo uo rollur-.ikallug faclli- ' H "Well, Perseus,' she said, ivttli a M happy sigh, "what dilfcronco does It M make after-all, if wo lovo o.ich olliorP H Thc.io little dllToroncfis of opinion shall H not separate us." H "No, Audromodn, tlioy shall tint Wo M will uot spo.ik of thuin. Tlroy aro M trifles. Look at tho roses in llilabeautl- H fill vase " H A cry of horror liroko from tho lips H of Andromeda. Sho sprang Tram his H embrace. H "What Is tho matter, dcnrcitf"1 ex- H claimed tho young man in tho utmost H concern. H "Don't touch me!" slio pantod, sink- H lug on a sofu. "Don't coino ucarmol" M "What havo I " M "Mr. Grigson." sho said, recovorlug borsolf by a powciful effort nnd stand- H ing erect, "1 can overlook your luck of H appreciation of the grout naniei of our H literuturo. I can forgivo vour wunt of H iympathy with tho great movotnonU M in tho world of thought that posse si M my soul nnd moro nil my poirors to M action. But" ami tho proud Boston 1 girl pointed stonily to tho door "I 1 cau nover look with anything but 1 uttor abhorronco on a man who docs M tfflt knoiv how to pronotinco tho word M vahzl Go!" Chicago Tribune, |