OCR Text |
Show II II 1 M MM. QRATEFUL-COMFOnTINQ. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST 1 .J!5f!tn0r0I,Fh noledo of the natttrri laws R!',SSpiT'Jn.,1,e operations of digestion and no- &!? PT ""refill application of the fine "j tSSSSSi?l ,W,II:"!'J Cocoa. Mr. Kpp has J Iti.?nlAr"""ll:tJ,,t',e" V'"1 delicately 1 S52SUI?'l.KTJerile "Wch nmr ibto us mnny heeir iffiH.!1,' . bJ th" Judicious us of tucft Kvi'XtSl .d".V"11 constitution niny bo trradual. ZSSi'fJ'SiSr.1" '""nit enough "wm r r ten- SSSf tole- Hundrnlsof nubile nnl.nles.ru r.-"!n.a,,...r',',r.to eltack wher.Terthero I T KA,"PoJ,n. .We mar cane many n fatal shaft ill "Vw'our,'e,T,'w'''l'orlBeil with pure blood 1 liftus!" ' nourished, f ratno. -r Cietl Semes I3fJAfa,,li,?p,5r "J"1 oolUnr water or mil. Sold i B'J'n''f-Pound tins, by ifrocers. labelled thust ,, I AMES EPPS & CO., Homaopalhla Chemlils, . '-on('on' England. I vs:hj::t5l 1 WmOWn DOLr.AU sent B by mall, wo will t.T. .?'.' f r0 .".' Bl ' chanres. to any perton In the J J'1 J""". 'l tli lotlowlne article larelulljr m acieatuaneattioxi Onelwo-oonco twttl of Taro Vaseline lOrU. Otwo-ont bottle Vaseline llnidg IScu. i Jjaejarof VanellnoCold Cream IScta, j Onooako of Vaseline Caropborlcs lOrts. Oneeakenf vasollneFoap, unaoented.... 10 eta. ! One cake of VaiellnePoap. scented 25 eta, One two-ouooo buttle of While Vaseline M ct a. 11.10 Or for atampa ear .Ingle article at the price. If Too baraoonulon touie Vaeeltnetn anyforra Meanful to aoreptonlr iranulnoiiofxlaputup br ua In original package A great rnanrdruiTiita are wring to persuade buyers to take VAHKMNKput J pr them. Merer yield to sncli persuasion, a. the article I a an Imltatfon without Talue, and will not gtre too the result you eapect. A bottle of Ultra Ma) Yaeellne la acid by all Crujriista at ton cent, c-mimotm -Tg. c, tu.u St, X. ink. DROPSY TlllUTIill rilltl!. aralllely Cured vrlthVecetuulellemedlr, Uareeured thousand.ofca.es. euro patlonu pro- Bounced hopcle.a by best physicians. From arsldose symptoms .Ils.ippe.il In ten days at least two-thirds 11 tytnniomi rerouted. Send nr free book tesilru -Jala of miraculous cures. Ten days' treatment free by mall. If o J order trial, aend We. In atampi k par post-ice. litU.II.Guiet-xAa,(is.Al'anta.ia. If yon order "lal return Ui la adierllseuient to ua. 2 MffS-SV "Down With High Prices-WWTHIS Prices-WWTHIS SEWING MACHINE tzS$rjp G7STXjrsr $iot ffa -S)f Joplhireles.tss.oo narneatT.jo --WtiZJ l"-d Carta,... xo 00 Wacona,JOoa - sUAjRl 00 Family or Store Scale, 1 00 Oyl Un AtO-lb. Farmers' Scale.... 3 00 nfUtfiMl MIb. IIayortora;sce...40oo feJiZC-ES1 Fonrea-d Kit of Tools 20 00 lOOOotherArtlclesatllalf Price. CniCAOO SCALE CO.. Chics. 111. PENSIONS A pension for ererr disabled Soldier or Hnllor who aerrod nluai y daya durlnir late wnr, iefnllo efcauae of disability. Pensions for all Mlilnti., anloor or dlsKbloilrlilldrrn of deceased aolJiors and lallora who served ua nborn. 1'onalniia for dependent I'm-ntila. rerardle.aitf dependency at datoot soldier death. Nocharjtoualcaa aucccaa Ctti. Addrefnatonco. 11. B.I1LRL.IN, Attorney at Law, Wiialilngioni I.C. T. II JMsOlatheacVnowIedceof aia leading remedy tor alt the .JHFriiTti InH unnatural dlscbargea and J-WlTnsliAYfl.H prlTotodlaea.caotinrn. A i Mu.Ls.il o..i "ii U certain cure for the dcblll-. dcblll-. . wuituuun. tatlnif wcakscas peculiar A K V to women. " H VtimWt.r Irrencrlbeltandfceli.ro THtEv'HSCiltMi'iinn In recnmmcodlng It to . w cihcinmsTI.oBQKS &U auffcrtre. "u.fciWS.'-BTONER,MO.OECTu.!U. ) jTfr H Hoist lr nrncrsUU. jU-B.rtl I'lUC- 01-00. Iffll TYPEWRIT-RSHPPOTJM ron RENT- Wim$F2h WM EXCHANCn- Elt?& llOMAHA.-f Bfiffiffiiy tend for Catalogoe and I'rlco Lilt. i PENSIOMS7 Tbnuabmtf till In a Imr. olillerdlifiUe4 Incatliu wnr arocnilUed. VIdout whonro ile ii dent uro Includfttt. Also liirpiit dependent IcMlaj. whose on died from nect ofAruiy por vlr. If fou wlnl. your claim ipoed!! and iucccm-tullyietUcd, iucccm-tullyietUcd, add ens JAMES TANNER, ' liteCotnmlitonerof JVnutoni. WnwUliiulou, 1). C. J. J. THOIVfAS & CO., J Wlinlef-le fiblppers ot I COLORADO GOAL, ieoD ;ui-u ml, ii:.-nvi:u,cmlo 19 a.a..-.- a i 'f Special Rate to Ctulu aud f Farmers' Alliances. i IRE WELLSTTMuNm Oar Well Machines ar the eioat fl IIIUII1.I t RaUABLR.ii,aAiii.K..iroca.rrt.l ill rrx. Tbj.lolIllti:lllltKnd acrC 1A. aaUtUltl'.All'.li Mill IT.V f f SJSV Thoy KIN lull tVell.wbereUJV I I VT'i!! ' ether VA1LI Any size. S ij jr wj sfefc lncbo. to It iQche. di.meter. utv IrTr ' "&i!3 LOOHIS & NYHAN, MM g-ta"1uo TIFFIN, " OHIO.WwSt'atWa FRE A PRESENT. p OCNII ua yoar addreu and we wilt ni.Vn yen a? 0 nrev lit of the hist AuUimatlo WASHING? MACHINE In the World. No waah-tjonrd or rule l A Utug bee.ld. Wewantyoiitoahowtttoyonrfrieni1,iEi t enu-taaa-rentlfyoucan. TouranCOIN MOflEY , W. also (tire a HANDSOME, VATC-H t'H""S . first from each eou'ily. Wrlteiulcl Adlloaa N. V."" I.AliNUI.V WOKK3, 0 Dey M , N. V. I fi5 Dr. BAILEY, I A Full Set of Teeth for $5 00. I Tee lh extracted without pnln or danger by a sew prore.a. tiold aud alloy lll!iti at lowest tales. OfUcei l'axton Ulock, Omnlin, Neb. lsTt ra erdsr t lro hnw naay pwpla real aJ. U) V IC i T.rUunL, I wilt aead fraa or all crra by trsri p.ll, tdCMChfia.wba aulas la wblehpapsr tit1 H I J offer hu Uxa r.ii i Id cent but Ujra Color, on. H IVffr? Itook oa Can BirJs, ooa IVk oa Dogs, oaa Lai V B a llook oa Horses, Cows aaa 1'j.llry, Bad ooa H aralopaof Arnlea Coort llajtt r, or a 10 cent hot of Cora Iiastsr. nr.ntoNCVii:r.D. N.jJSt..rt.iuj.iri)'.ra. lareatorot tliats.t llorso. Cattle .ol lultr Powt.ela lha world, Larg papers Ucaatabr laall. or idoeeinilX. Of a. BE you haro an) puim L.O B"BdlMbofoielel,a.iid Wllst. We puylrotnltYO wcenla to Jo promltiui H 4tfjH (RSC5 fj'" hundroda of kinds. n VJfaUVV!" M enclose .lamp lurttartle H fijttlsrs. 3Iay inran a for . ly ne to i ih I ' W ANTE B"JZriZ2 I V. IS. V.. iliiialmXlS'-iO. ' BB v Thft Only Slioo Factory In Omnlia. W. V. Jlorso & Co.'s Men's, Women's Wom-en's nnd Children's modlum und fino priiJcs of ehoc8, inado In our lnrge fno-tory fno-tory In Oiiiuha. Jseb. Ask your storo. kecpur for this brandjTllKY nro tho best. V. V. Morso & Co. havo tho o.nlt shoo fnetory In Omnliu, so whon tho moieluint deals with tliln firm lio knows hols buy lnjj from first hunds, und at hcitdquurtcrs. In ono yciir, wo havo mado so Rood a reputation for our "Morso's School Shoes1' that wo havo boen com pulled to miiko other Important lines. Merchnnts If you wnnt shoos that will wenrl That will fit! That will plcnso your customers, send your orders or-ders to W. V. Morso & Co., Omuha, Mob. Fiity Dollatis ix Gold Reward to nny ono finding a piece of shoddy Id any of our own make of goods. Wo only soil to morchants, W. V. Mouse & Co.. Omaha. Kcb. . i?CM1E'J a -'---. -.).1,'ll'rlyciircdljffl PADTrDO i'oMftiopnu.i ll.l a-IVta? treMfromDy.pep.la,lnl 90aagr. digestion ami ToolIeart)B Br III LL Eating. A perfect reiu-B Kj) 1B?D Pdyrornizzineea.NaiiaeaH 133 I V C.K Drotrslneas. Ilad Taaul mil nilO t ln lh" Mouth, Ooatedfl J k II.HaO. Tongue.IalnlntheBlde.n Jti TOltl'lD LlVUt. Thejl HHdH regulate the Dowels ' -J Price -n'cciit I OAaTEB UEDICIIIE CO., HEW Y0K. I Smalt Pill. Small Dose, Smatl.Price.l DILC.Wlrl NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT. Speclflo for Hysteria, riatleess.nu. Neuralgia, Waka-fulness, Waka-fulness, Uental lMpr.aalon.nortoiilngor tho Pr.ln,t. aulting In Insanity .nd loading to misery dee.v and do.tb. Prematura Old Age. Il.rrenness. Jiss of Power laolthor aai. Involuntary Lasea.and Hperra.tortbo a e.usad be or.riertlon ot tho briln, olf-abu.c or eror-lildalgeneo. Laeh bos contains ono monlb'stre.U E?.".r el box. or alt ror $. sonl by mall prepaid, with eaeh order for all boi, will send purrhu.r gaaraatee to refund anoney If tho tre-traent falls le euro. UuaraataM liauad aud g.uuui aold ooly b ;(D.ti.iN imui; tu, 1110 Farnam Street, OMAHA, .Vg. I Hi H il"lll"( IT intern kylJIIII, a M WH PL DUBN'M CIIILIIIIC.V Hi HV H a Brri awi , Tboo.aods of ud( to., aaa VJm HI R"fl ICij " la tha V. H. A. . KJMHr4nt tlitir Ursa an4 their healdi.u4 lKausrV SV A lbHrbapplac.suKlisasls.Nl MaVvl'i BBdChlldkoodbasliisbeei aJffMaaieBBv RMrt a Food, hy Drsscl.ts, liris Tim iiinna iood iiU-.uop. ttom.iticu ILL Cut STU1IS. CU, 1'alBi.r. Alu . DENSBOWA?-KAYi.f.?. Bo'Succossfully Prosecutes Claims. Latel'rloolpallCx&mlner U ti I'enalon ljureau. U 3yrs In hut war, loadj udlcalhig Uui4, ally omtA M"" EXK'.tN OACTIIS 1MI.I.S. Ageuts wanted creryw here for th's wonderful new remedy. Sample bottle, a-o. Circular free. CicTL'a Co., lloxS, i:ast Kl 1'uso, Toxts. "" vTaKtICP. I.nudt. ihkI (.rain Ulrvii- tor In exihango fur tnanuraelnrlntc and oiher full paid ucu-aasesi.hle Incorporation ..oeka. Ku I Inlorni.tloit flvrn or. .rplUatlon. Addresa Hoi 111. Out. ha, Neb. III-?-! UJCflV from NerTouTllebllltr, VI-lvlC.lll VI-lvlC.lll DsCHAuI U'Mllnir etc fiend for mr Ida ivi froeiiookof Itemed les nnd cure yourselves your-selves at home. Dr. J. llennert.41 H. Clark st-,Chica0 IfJ LfkUn l Hllhest Trlee paid for Echool an! KIbTHI il Municipal Honda. Correspondence K 'IW W BOllcHl. u. M. mtLS.Omaba, Nab TnirnRHDUV Where tolrarnands-etasltua ICUEUnWI nl noru Inforniatloa free. Addn-sl ludeiodeat School of Tolesraphy, Independence, tfo. WELL DRILLS. """Vi'UVeT. DI HBCUAX, kkUTATAIttUILL, llerte., la. nr nnini rm imouxstius. ci.e.Pi,m-. for l 1 ,1 1 K 1 1 1 A all. Bend. uuiptorlllu.liurd -Home. X JJVlllL11 seeker " O. M. Iro.Sr.OH frMlll. tut. I. PATENTS &SS! I A31ICC write for term. $1Simjii"orn(t Ire to MlUICO Afitt l.evTibcUliMjiHa.. n'trel Hums or wounds should be attended to carefully, especially In cold weather. We would retomineml Salvation Oil for such rae. All druggists sell it for 25 cents a bottle. "All slope, unheard, unknown he rnskes his moan" In a fifth story bed-room. The rrnon Is obvious, lie Is suircrlng everything; wltliacoM and hasn't got a soul to step scruts the street for one iinill bottle of Dr. Hull's Couch Syrup. Ifoir easily e, man whins in enemy In a piyi The raving In clothing -here Bobbins' r.lcctrlc Eosp It med, Is twenty times the soup bill. It Is no new experiment, but has Iccn sold for 24 years. To day Just as pure at In lbG5. Tiy It. Your grocer has It or will order It. No wonder money Is tight. The surplus has been dissipated for mouths. A S3. SO l'uper for SI. 75. The Youth's Comfaniox gives so much for tha small amount that it costs It is no wonder It Is taken already In nearly llnlf a Million Families. AMth Its lino paper and beautiful Illustrations, Its We-l:lv Jllus-trntcd Jllus-trntcd tiupnlcmcnts, and Its Doitulo'llolldov Numbers, It teems as if the publishers could not do enough to please, by sending $1.75 now joii may obtain It free to January, and for a full year fioin thatdute to January, lb!3. Addrers, The Youth's CoMrAxioy, Cotton, Mass. ' ' ' The rich need Christian charity, bat the poor need the other sort. Gitrlleltl Tea has cured Constipation of twenty-to twenty-to jesj. stantuug) Lomenlrea will and It a pllceleaa boon. The com that comes out ot Egypt cnlr satisfies for a little while. Before the me of Trlckly Ash Bitters became be-came general throughout tho Houth aud West, It was a fearful doso of "Ulno Moss," and dally doses ot quinine, that was forced down the throats of suffercicrs from all mi-laratlal mi-laratlal troubles. In place of such obnox- ' lous, harrow lug curatives. Prickly Ash Hit- ' tirs. with Its mild, soothing action uow holds supreme sway, aud after ono trial, Its use when necessary, Is foicvcr established. You who have sick-headaches, sour stomachs, stom-achs, diseased liver or kidneys, can do no better than to gho It a trial, A praying Chr.'stlsn Is not always a raying Christian. ' Swedish Asthma Cuiie never falls. Send vour address. Trial package mailed free, Collins Brothers' Drug Co., St. Louis, Mo. The drunkard sons tares and raises caln In the Held oMIfC; Ilrui'liCBB Cun'l bo Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased jortlou of thu car. 'Uicieli only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional lnncdlc.. Dcnfncts U canted by an Inflamed condition of tho mucous mu-cous lining of the Eustachian Ttilc. When this tubogcts Inflamed you havo a rumbling found or Imperfect he.irlug, and when It is entirely rlosed. Deafness Is the result and unlets tho Inlloniiimlloii can bo taken out and this tubu restored to its noimal condition, condi-tion, hearing will bo destroied foicvcr; nlno cases otttol ten are caused by catarrh, which Is nothing hut an inflamed condition ot tho mucous surfaces. Wo will give One Hundred Dollars fornnv caic of Deadncss (caused br catarrh) that we cannot cure ty taking 'Hall's Catarrh Cure, tend for circulars, free. F. J. CIU:M:Y A CO., Iiop., Toledo. O. fold by drugglsls, 76 cents. 8omo peoplo th'nk they are firm when they are only pig-headed. ..bout l'curllnc. From Watchman, Boston, Mats., Dec. 12, ISM): I'vcry ono knews about l'eurlltic, almost al-most every ono uses l'curllnc, hut wo won-der won-der If all tho housekceps who uie It know half that tan he cono with It. Wo wonder If they nil kuow wLat some of tho bright ones have discovered, tbitt those mountains of dishwashing the grcasv pan nnd kettle-may kettle-may be rcducid vi mole hills of thu smallest slzo by the judicious uro of l'carlli.c. Kill the running pan, as scon as the gravy Is tmtirtd from It, with cold water, shako In a llttlo l'turllne und tct on tho stove. Ity tho time the rest of the dishes are washed, all the pronto is dissolved and tho pan can ho washed as casllv as n plat?. Trint the kettles In which anything creaiy has been boiled In the same way, and tictido clean titrnil'syou will have a elian sink, the use of tho 1'iar. line rendering It safe to pour such dishwater Into it. Sinks ngulnrjy mated to a bath of I'carllno and tcnldlng waler will seldom need the rvlrc of s plunder. No, Angelina, a tuliur-inado gown Is not necessarily a nilssfit. Mra.WinBlow'e Soothing: rjyrup, for Children Chil-dren tcothlng, softens tho gums, reduces Inflammation, Inflamma-tion, allayspaln, cures wind colic. 2Jc. a bottle. Thete ore tuo slilcato every question the wroug tide and our flilc. m tVhen Daby was sick, we gave her Castor!, When sho was a Child, she cried for Cas torts. When alio became Hiss, the clung to C&storbv, When she had Children, tho gave them Castorla, Ihe nor gutrd sin ityscett left. This hit oecn so since tho dsys of Joshua. DirscnviNfi or Coxriur.vcp, There is no artlclo wh'eh to richly tlc-cncs llic entire fonlldeuco uf tho rcminunlty at Bhown's IlnnNciiui. Tnoinrf, Tlo'e tutlerlngfroui Attlimnllu and llionihlal Discarc, Coughs, and Colds ihntild try them. 1'ilto 25 cents. All flesh Is gratr, snd tho grais-wldow Is ftccjut-ntly cut, flnlmnn'e I.lvrr I'nrie. Iln'mtn's Liver I'ud Lute &1ALAUIA, il.i.u.tt.1'. Iver I'.ds vure fliLUicsNea.. ll-.rjisn's )jTr Puds euro iNMQKVriUN. rar,.iutit f eswtUifirlln.irnetloraHndeornmenda ' V..'k lliii.vt.l.tluil'Alit.i.,l,,u, L.oaJlli.N.s', i V ci r Talking of patent medicines you know the old prejudice. And the doctors some of them arc between you and us. They would like you to think that what's cured thousands won't cure you. You'd believe be-lieve in patent medicines if they didn't profess to cure everything and so, between the experiments of doctors, and the experiments of patent medicines that arc sold only because there's money in the "stuff," you lose faith vcvcry-thing. vcvcry-thing. And, you can't always tell the prescription that cures by what you read in the papers. So, perhaps, there's no better way to sell a remedy, than to tell the truth about it, and take the risk of its doing just what it professes to do. That's what the World's Dispensary Medical Association, Associa-tion, of Buffalo, N. Y., does with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, Favorite Prescription, Pleasant Pellets, and Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. If they don't do what their makers say they'll do you c;et your money back. MOTHERS' FRIEND ISGEiiLD E1RTHJASY IP USED QBFOnn CONPINCMBNT. nootc to "MoTnmts MAiLinTnix. IIKACrlEMI HEUIU.ATIIIt CIS., ATI.AMTAJOA. hold nr au. Uuuuouia. afGfc ARE YOU WEAK B Tl rtVo If yon antfrr from LOtT RiSltoun, VM V KUTOta UltSAftss. ou LOttLSoiani Sv-VSfcL' kind from EXIESsrS, wo wllln-Wovou "J V."1. aratitiuni.of this miiDiKliLBKD. "Sanilt VO HIM!. WaUliUUTHtlllllUneterj " ". r.s.. WrltoustOM-ndyouarBISa.m , " "K" pw; pie package sealed In plain wrapper hemitonia sllveroratampn.loeoTer pieklnoT andpoalaa-e riDatuilllxicit.10., Ill IwaiboinBt., Chlcso.UL oTcHtOPTICONS Battery & Optical Co. CH'aQO' MAGIC IMEBHS, . -.. . .-.,-- ,y ,, r jj: .w,-PH I PETERSON'S I I ioi magazine! p; NOW BEQINNINQ ITS BOth YCAR t"3 OP PUDLICATION, 10 UNDOUBT- Kf H CDLV THE BEST LADY'B MAOA- (l H ?-j ZINC PUBLISHED. J H .fi Jfa jttorlca nr Votfi eorne tf pH lei Imerffvi' ihojI pojttrfnr siufiore. ll H 11 Itm mhrellttneoue o rtltte a. pro fi Dn! tief ffiiafrrrfe.f, fire ntwtty J3b H a cnferfi(n(ii(f unil ftistrMCflee. j I H Tel Ita fruhton tiefre and ffftisfrrs- We. & fforie are- fresh and eomptfte, Wb. MMMMM eoniblnfnr beauty, utility, ami f- H t ecorioNit, 1 H fijl ItM fult-tlte rfreet-riaffern en- M H K!m nW ever)) woman to cut und fit fWk H o her own tlrettet, sl mM ItnumeroHtdeitgnforneille- K?) H My srorr, Viriery-irorlr, efo , re isoee HU BjH j9 sanuTsoine, naeiif. jV tT Jt hovteholil dejtarttnettt ntvl e Bf fnbfe recipe are invaluable to Ri MMMMM MB ectru housekeeper. raw H P 1 Jf.a foiify-ronffnt.ea! prosperity U-3 H W lltetts U$ ivortlt. fij 'Il ml rnr it fou isoi. yM VH p-1 Termut SU.OO per year, trfffs 9 'SH s large reduction to Cluhi, ami yl H WU elegant premium to those ir, FJU -V get j Club$ . A-ampteropit,elth IR -J full particular; to Club-ralneri. 11 H 1 AJdres., PETERSON'S MAGAIINE, Kl H l UsbIUb Uts Bsper. PhllldtlphlS, PJ. W .H " 0NLY5O"CENTS (H III tS Bent)thyotjron1raiRTur I H V&AV ?1TW I'oCftUfMirttl-lAllvrsr. H .TV fiillfl'lDw ran Py A t,,s -piTu offlre H OWirtilKfcftfr.ou Dave eurointHl ib H II IN tvtr fr 'lrliUi(1hrflrnnTiDcrclolu ' P"f J; Kl woith. TI19 pWlLt- I hat w H K? 11 ?.T-jl ibuw kw gin f cxnt tjow ( H IT, "ICS KT(it)icmlnLanrrcliof(3tiT. H i l C CT . 'Ti rtci.tnljrKiottncratine. Tbi ' 1 tK t rr Jv7 Cfiffnii tnft.lnoi t lsi-r H D:S jrfSwte i'-of lHtf.noiia KfiiA H 1 V3SK5at ovc r.rnrositonmeuT.iJ tWS:iJlSrTiKm7ji ""-''" in - i afcfflro23iPirV cry rrnpfcr. It U H dVQvFi7ri LvmtlDBr ' f .tetn -rltvj H FmJfnfPn1 xK horr rnp. . H KkWHrTfJPf'r w crorrn nnJ thitm H mmSHvxlMr '-'-.QA "1nttrrtjJrt,iS H sPhEmT tevTrarVtf4TR """"-'l' . Tli mo. iH (TJ-rL- fjW w l tf5Sk(y' Uu " flnA D,f! H WKX OrH ii tfer JS I utile tri(a fftN H fSKfjk tfi iiTittKTul rnf..u linUnc, H EiMC HfriS.yi' LlMRl3FVr ' ctitfJantintiiKiut 5 ' H lKE &&lMllWP.'WX)3 piniftl.fnutiruUy f fH -EKl&V.-Xj'Vr I i ' l,,l-l,,', "ocurmt- Ii pfmiSKmtyssfyjJ&lm ninied to keep ui KWWlKAIivALAr rnrrcct tlmi. .A &l wm&9LfJ$jx'XiWjfj rum.tf4urcntriut I.H vRaKTdW--Jrr-,'tt1' wiach. (rooi ro 0H i MnB-TTi T-i-( n Wfrf -"-"- Tlmtrtniiai (AH HypQH9ryiYtiiniiloril Uwatcb, Pl&l rM,fsWpilg''y ai n?jit ry n n orrntla il 1HHfcC-rCt-rl.eTrrT town Oirmitrliout th Vi MMHuuunniti-tl BUti?-, aii 1 tbirrfor ni qpBHKinak' Ui cprrlnl price or H "fo.Olri If you etnil mowy H frith yemr ert1r (S8 CO) i -Ul lndooa la oiMltion . fH hnnd-oino o1rt plntMlliiiliir M you wuit to ...H tiiewAtcii bcoietvajlnR fori(,you rantond uaAfllrfa. . VJH tupuninteripr.'MclitrtrMtand wwlH aend 1$ by us f FbyI , prwiao.n,wlttirrlTiJitoiiunt-eltlefoniyout-r H Um bal-ttirt. '.WX, Anr Ixtnk, pwwiapfr orofimnmlai H ifffncT will . you of oir iTllaWUiy, sir Culorn 1 M frr. If yon liATi rln.t In tbctir haro him aalTM w miraaroiroomonil.o-jKlflTLAND tinOS. A CO '' Jcct miOx tor you. I OUFulton.Oifeot ftU ? H IJest Couffh Mo(Hcino. Hecommomled hy PlirsiciaiiB.jj H ft CHICHESTER'S ENQUSH, RED CROSS 1F5V DIAMOND BZAND A H rEwmwiMi FuaS A a ,,THC oeiOINAL AND OtHUINt. Tbaoaly af. Sore, .nlr,au, fill a,, u Wr7 i Ladle. ..It )rt,l,, M ntiM.H.r. r,lt,k Pianist A'ei! I. It d s" I Jlu milln. V BH U";,r',l4UI,E"'.,,"'.bJB- T.L.B. other kl.d. B.f, e.l.w.tlJw ." .7iu. V H ail pills ib pa.ub.uS b.iss, pl.i w,spp,rs..r. dancerxu. rinnterrVlts. i lir.Vsl.u .r se.1 m- i fc.ld by all Lw.l Ufgpilsts. I'lllLAIIKLI'IIIA. l"l. H -BBBB-t-JELYIlKOTlimt3. CO W-TtnBt yew York. I'tleo 60 cts.s-K-------U ' NEW AMERICAN U Stom Wind & Stom Sot. H The Kew American In Htccsome hel I'ntlern lltinllna; Cbm. is eorml lllua- H IraUtinufwhlchweahowliillds.dTrrtuw- lB roent.l.iuiwrradyandbytlulnEBierr H l.rgord.irwehB,OBeeiiirdtlii.iclulfr T sale for the United Mate, and l'.nd. BM ". '.,"o'dernd.leiiiBetler wlibpat.utadJiuunent,audlaulle.liltb ' sBM a new patent .(em winding rr.iijtincnl li found on no other. It la l.unlli v rui VM lienutlfullyesiBraTirtofll.enewMji; abeltpatUrn,uai7own!ncut.puitednlta 1 pure tie d on .olid yellow n.el.l (som B lime, c.lletl alumlnniml.and In.nnur- I ueeUilwliartoanld wuirh. llieery. Ul Is doubl.thlck polished trench tls. andall theceir wbvels.plnlnnaendlear- 1 hunioreil and eipcnslro rnaeblncry.a'ad ai each part la rarcfnlly rttad by si'iilcd workmen. Each one la carefully Inspected, reinilaled and ItealM before TrBli7v tba Ipoclal Offop gJ?H!ffi4.5 IvTnder and Stem Better, wltb a benull. rill stoldulntert clinln mill rbnrm. dl packed in an eles;.Dt ..llnllned rue. in .receipt ot only Ml.oo hill, meiier nter, tioataffa atampa orpoelal note, rro-Ided rro-Ided I6.pe.rri n reoelli II will f.ltbfullr treinlM foMud u. lul lu.tty older. Iron -" helrlocalltyarKialble. Our Nemral-ilnaun Nemral-ilnaun of Walchea. lepresentloir ono of bo l.nrestluieato be found In any C-IcsTuo C-IcsTuo w 111 bo sent with each 01 der. We rant one irood agent In errry town to ska the aireney for th.sal.of our rellAble r.tchea.wblohwellluctr.tAlnOiirCast iloiietprlre.froniiroOiiparU. We ' indtlienitoallparUortliaUnltediilateB 11 r mall anderpnaa. HEM) HI. Oil AT" ' NCK aod .ewlll forward the 2.ewAnirt- , in lir ml. port-paid. Vnur order ,, n.t-uk draft, ,,.y,u to our oVder, " JaDcock & Oo 35 & 37 Frankfort St., Nl X. AN ALTOGKAI'II. ' (J v I'nvorlle little pill for In.ll.c.lloit, Slclc Heittliirlie, Dynnepla, Tonild ' W X.1ver, Hour St,.i, sllHe. Aro tho Uc.t HeSnliilor or Ulvir. Hlattiuclt , , untl Hutsrl.. Tl.ryiietirlMllioeureairouloronatlpnUoii. Smull, l.u.r l i TUr,Uiitilr,.eir -ti.e, -!. .5 Cul. K.Cejviuf,,..l,t,. , Lj r. Ii LuuH |