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Show 1 4 V Punuo opinion in Utah favors MiBS Amanda Oleen and tho proso-cution proso-cution acknowledged it whilo addressing ad-dressing the jury trying her case. The Nnwa invites a froo and full discussion of all subjects calculated to ndvanco the interests of Iron Co. Topics of this character are leg-itlmato leg-itlmato for tho columns of a nows-papor. nows-papor. If a man has good idoas let others share them. Good idoas aro liko seed grain, they hear fruit n hundred fold when scattered abroad, but of no value if kept garnered up. Thero are many mon in our co unty who havo brilliant minds, full of brilliant thoughts. Thoy should mako them known that others might profit thereby and porhaps it would not be so great a whilo bolore from the multiplicity mul-tiplicity of idoas brought out, somo thing tangible would be picked out. acted upon nnd tho results prove a lasting benefit to tho peoplo of Iron county. Again, men have what within themselves thoy consider practical ideas, which, if thrown out and dis cussed would bo found to bo very impructioble,thus thiBmeaiiB would bo thoi stepping slono toward a purification of our thoughts regarding regard-ing this important subject. Then the diversity of opinion that now may exist as to tho best moans of advancing tho material interests of our county, would -.e dono away with in most casos. and a more united unit-ed effort mado to work for our county's good. |