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Show CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Our City Fathers convoned on the 12th. inst with Mayor Parry in tho Chair. Aftortho uiuul preliminaries, prelim-inaries, it was decided to nsurvey all city lots held uv tho City, and designate their boundaries by tho erection of sutiablo monuments bo-foro bo-foro offering samo for salo. A very handsomo design for City Hall was presented by the commi-teo commi-teo to whom is entrusted that work. Tho building is to ho somo larger than at first contemplated, extending extend-ing somo 15 ft. eastward, to be two storys high containing about 60,000 bricks with a cupola oil top, adorn ed on four sides with an indicator of tho timo of day. An aproximate estimate of tho cost ot tho building was alto given in the committee's report. In consideration of tho buisuess portnining to tho county Jmitco's offino tos; ther with the constable who also has Count)' buisness to attend to, it was deemed deem-ed ndvisublo to invito tho county to assist in the erection of tho building, becoming partial owners thereof, thereby providing Suitable plaot'slfbr their officers in this precinct pre-cinct to transact the busincMS putnin ing to their offices, and do tnvuy with tho unpleasantness attending the holding of courts in private dwelling-houses. Committto on ptrrcts and sidi walks reported on tho condition of sjdo walks running east and west through tho city and t-tated that whilo tho city was ex ccted 10 kocp tho same in good repair it was not expected that they should repair damages caused to the streets and Bido walks by stock being permitted to loiter on tho same. Tho supervisor was instructed to call tho attontion of citizens, who have thoir corrals located near any important thoroughfares, to tho provisions of tfio Ordinauco regulating regu-lating streets and side walks in this City Claims of sandry persons, that wrro referred to commilteo on claims at provious meeting wore reported re-ported upon and recommitted for furthor investigation. Committo reported having repaired repair-ed tho Park fence, and recommend-od recommend-od tho groHind leased to somo responsible re-sponsible party with a view to keeping tho premises in good con dition. -The Committio further recommended that tho citizens of Cedor bo petitioned to grant tho corporation a water fight for uso on tho publio Park. The rtport was received and recommendation re-commendation adopted. |