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Show H OUR HOME PAPER H I Homo support for homo inatitu- H lions is our view of tho success of H any enterprise In regard to tho H support which tho Ikon County H News claims, of tho proplo of Iron H county mnro particularly, wo bo- H lievo thoro aro just reasons why H 1 this paper should rccoivo it. H Sorao men untor tho plea, oh, I H bavo more papers now than I cuu H find timo to read. Wo say, then H why tako those papers, H It is certainly tho height of folley H to sond your monoy awuy from H homo to build up other communl- H tics when you rocoivo no bonefit HE therefrom. Tho Nkwh thinks iv Hk- wiser plan would bo to discontinue V; tho subscription of all papers that f t are not read, and then tako your H home paper and read it. H Thus you would bo assisting in H developing your own town or county H besides knowing what is taking H place, Many a man can tell you H ' everything about Now York,Loudon H , or Berlin, but tou stagger him on-BBJ on-BBJ , i tfrcly when referring to homo nows. H Now we will ask the citizons of H Iron county a candid question. H , How much interest have tho Salt B " Lake papers taken in tho affairs of H Iron county: Can anyone point H out to tho Nxws where New. York H Chicago, Omaha or California pap- B ers have used their best endeavors H ,' to throw before the world tho great H hidden wealth of Iron county H Has not the Ikon County News H nlready sought more diligently the H wolfaro of tho people of tho county H than any other papers that is pub- H ' liBhed today; BH The man who will dony that tho H home paper ought to bo supported H and. will maintain that outside pa- H pers should bo encouraged, is a M man who has not tho real interest m of his county at heart. BBH Every m ana should feel Hint tho P9 first interest icTbo imufii mnhifent BBji 1 if) the iiitorestSofliomc ' Homo ' support for homo institutions H I No man'' must expect Salt Lnk- H orS arogoinR (o us their influonco M ' to build u'pjron county at tho x- M portBo of.boominp Salt Lnko county. B Not muol), This is a day whore M cTcry man must look out for No 1 B and allow. No. 2 tho same priviltp- m Tho Iuok'County.Nkwb i.stliu or- m gan fbr tho peoplo of Iron county; H it proposes to muko known thnir B wants; it hopes to.stnnd in dofousu B of their rights and to how up, as B ' occasion demands and justificp, the B ' ' great'and extonsivo natural resour- B cei of, tho county. p. And whiloit shall do this, it ex- H poets from tho peopla that support B which shall bo commousurattwith B its delormination and position. |