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Show Hints to Housekeeper. To provont that shinu to tho skin with which so many aro annoyed, oapooii'lly In warm woather, uso n lltj-tlo lltj-tlo camphor lu tho water when bath-leg bath-leg tho faco. A round bolstor now takes tho placo of tho lurgo ornamontal pillows. Tho bolster Is stuffed firmly nnd dressed in crotonno, or whntovor tho bed covering cover-ing is made from, if possible There will bo fow persona who will over tako tho trouble ns tlioy ought, to treo out tholr shoos whon not in ubo, no mattor how costly thoy nre. Tho next bost thing, which also costs n llttlo trouble Is to button up a flno shoo whon puttlutr It nsido, In order to keep tho upper from getting out of form. Savo your npplo parings in a cool placo until you hnvo a quintlty worth tho while, covor with water, nnd boll briskly for nn hour; strain, ndd half tho quantity of sucar, .and boll gontly for 11 couplo of hours, and a cood applo jolly will bo tho rosult. Or, if you put tho parities in a jug with a llttlo water, and put in a warm place, thoy will mako fair vinogar. A plcturo-framo ombroldorod in Louis XIV. ribbon work on palo ocru satin, which is tho shade of whlto satin turned yollow with ago, and in tho now oval shnpo; a pretty travelling travel-ling case of whlto Unon bound in goldon-brown braid, or a comb nnd brush case of tho samo rantorlal, or a dainty pincushion, aro all presents which would probably bo accoptablo to utiy young lndy. |