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Show 1 THE FA1KtIANl) HOME. ADVICE FROM MANY RELIABLE SOURCES, lllnti Tor Hit Sttlile Trora tin "llcnc (llnrlj" lion 1 1) l'roM (Irrla of Iru t nation Hint ! JUtnre ITltlovt HrJjM on Hit lm. Hints for the HUlilc Nothing in tho ordinary surrounding surround-ing of 11 bono can bo so injurious as tho ubsonco of good ventllntlon. Any number of horses nro kopt in places wlioro no vontllntlon oxUts; and in many phices whero put In by a well-meaning well-meaning bund, ono finds them stufTed up with straw nnd hay. Now, whon It is rcmombored thut a liorso breathes much stronger thnn a man, that tho ojthalatlous from his skin and olso. whoro uro so much greater than from nny human being, it only stands to ronson that ill-vontilntod stables can not possibly bb prosorvatlvo of tho horso's health any moro than a foul smolling room would bo of a human bolng's health. If a stablo owner wants to know tho atmosphoro that his horsos brcatho, lot him bo tho first man in his stable .of a morning, whon, unloss his powor of scent is all but gono, ho will often hnvo occasion to bo horrified nt tho air that his nnl-mals nnl-mals hnvo to broatbo. Freo ventilation ventila-tion may, at times, havo a tondonoy to causo colts to staro, but that Is not half ns bad ns to undormlno tho horso's health by making him brontho fonl nir. Thoro is much dlvoralty of opinion as rognrds tho proprloty of bedding down horses during tho day. Somo aood horso-broodors advocnto giving tho horso plonty of litter to stand nn, at least nftor noontime. Othora llko to Uoop straw or other llttor undor tholr horsos nil tho timo, so that It may absorb tho urino. Yet it Is obvious, for tho roasons heroaftor stated, that tho stables should bo kopt freo from llttor nil day long, oxcoptlng whero tho occupmt is required to work nt night, and must cot his rost during tho day. Llttor, llko ohirlty, may "hldo a multltudo of sins" In tho mattor of dirt. Yot that Is not tho worst fault. Tho cjravor nnd moro ro-nrohonslvo ro-nrohonslvo roason Is. that it ncta Injuriously In-juriously upon tho wholo systora of tho horso. Coolnoss Is qspentlal for tho growth of tho horn which forms tho ensinir of tho hoof as woll ns for tho health of tho foot, yot, by kcoplncr stables bodded down nil day, tho oxaot opposite la obtalnod. Horsos' logs nro apt to swell, tholr hoofs crack, nnd othorovll result. Horso World. |