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Show DR. LAPPONI STILL I; THE POPE'S PHYSICIAN, f Rome, June 4, 1904. A sensation was t; caused at the Vatican today by dis- t, patches from America asking- whether t I it was true tnat jjr. jappom imu uu ( I dismissed as physician to the pope, i , , According to the reports, the pontiff . desired the services of his Venetian ! physician. Inquiry also was made as i: to whether Dr. Lapponi. being a-Freemason, had insisted on the pope leav- -: ! ing the Vatican, taking the ground that I the pontiff was no longer a prisoner. : Dr. Lapponi authorized the state- j ment that he has never been asked to : resign, had never thought of resigning and does not intend to resign, as he is f-apparently f-apparently enjoying the entire conn- , dence of the pope. The pope's Vene- ; : tian doctor, Dr. Lapponi added, does f not exist, as the pontiff had only one t physician at Venice, Dr. Paganuzzi, , and he died some time ago. '; Dr. Lapponi was reappointed to the position of physician to the pope three hours after the election of Pope Pius. . . The doctor has never been a Freemason and "does not intend to be one. His ;: sixteen years" faithful service with Pope Leo were sufficient to demonstrate. his loyalty to the papacy. He had i never interfered in the religious or po-. . litical affairs of the church, his advice 'being limited to matters concerning the , health of the pontiff .The Pilot. j |