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Show CITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD. The Utah educational exhibit arrived ar-rived at St. Louis June C ami is now in jilaci-. There are not a few states which are behind Utah in .petting their educational exhibits in position. I M". IT. Walker has donated twenty I ecres of lajid to the prowintf list of I jiiizes to lit' piven away on Heal Es- I : tat.; Jlen's day at Saltair, June -:. f I.cii)iiing: with last Wednesday the I ; musi.- stores of Salt Laki; will cloe eacli Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock I until Sept. 1. The ornamental glass for the sky-liKht sky-liKht over the sitting apartments in the M. H. Walker mansion la the most I elaborate and costly stained glass ever J received in this city, and represents rii'e grapes in great, luscious looking: clusters, the fruit being: made more J natural by the plass being in layers ; of varying: thicknesses. It was made J ; in Minneapolis. 1 The grand lodge of the United Com- I nierciai Travelers for the district com- I i prisinc Montana. Utah and Idaho, last I ; week "elected officers for the ensuin? j i year. Charles R. Sutton of Helena, f ; Mont., was chosen grand councilor; W. I D. McAllister of Salt Lake, grand 1 : union councilor, and C. H. McXam- , ara. also of this city, grand past coun- ! cilor. ! . I .' A letter has been received by Gov- ; ernor Wells from John Hay. secretary J of state, asking that the Fifth British ', Columbia regiment band of the Can- . adian artillery be permitted to pass j ' through Utah in uniform and with in- struments?, between July 1 and Oct. 1. . i They will pass through the principal j cities of the United States on a con- I i cert tour, and Salt Lake may hope 1 ' to hear the famous band in concert 1 - work. : -4- ; Flag Day was well observed in this ) ' city on Tuesday. Not only up and I down the length of the business sec- f tion of Main street, but on every build- J ing all over the town that boasted a j , flagstaff, and on a great many that I had no flagstaff at all, the" "Red, Wiite s and Blue" floated in the breeze. At 1 least it should have floated there, but I as there was very little breeze there I ; was naturally very little floating in it. But it was a fine display, and there I was a spirit behind it that spoke for far more than a few strips of bunt- I ing. The' request of the mayor was I more universally complied with ; . throughout the city than ever before, ; and many exercised their ingenuity in I carrying out novel plans of decora- tion. In one of the store windows a I novel idea was seeen in the shape of J a small Betsy Ross finishing the first ! Fpecimen of "Old Glory." Many of the ! : girls even went so far as to wear new , neckwear in the national colors. |