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Show Death of Father Scanlan. (Special correspondence to Intermoun-tain Intermoun-tain Catholic.) San Francisco, June 7. The death of : Rev. Patrick J. Scanlan, chancellor of j the archdiocese of San Francisco, in j Mew York, while journeying to his na-j na-j live land, was a cause of general re- gret and universal mourning through-! through-! out the entire archdiocese. Though bearing the same name as your revered j bishop In Salt Lake, there was no family fam-ily relationship, Father Scanlan hailing hail-ing from County Kerry, and your bish- I op from County Tipperary. . Both, as I I am informed, w ere students in All i Hallows college at the same time, but Father Scanlan was four years the senior se-nior of Bishop Scanlan. Father Scanlan Scan-lan always spoke of the kind treatment received in Salt Lake during his brief illness there two years ago. The funeral services this morning were never equalled in this city. From all parts of the archdiocese and the dioceses of Sacramento and Los Angeles An-geles priests and laity gathered to pay their last tribute of respect to the illustrious il-lustrious dead. Solemn pontifical High Mass was offered up by Archbishop Montgomery, who was assisted by Fathers Serda. P. J.: Griffin and John I '.,-1 At V. nAMiilnatAn . . f thn uprvinA t oyle. At the conclusion of tne service Rev. Thomas F. Mc Sweeney of St. Fiancis church. Oakland, who, as a young missionary, served his apprenticeship appren-ticeship as an assistant priest in Sacramento Sa-cramento to Father Scanlan, paid the last tribute of respect to the deceased. No one knew better the business qualifications, quali-fications, the zeal and devotion of his former pastor than the preacher. To his early training under the direction of Father Scanlan he always attributed attribut-ed his first real knowledge of missionary mission-ary life, and the business qualifications that were needed for a successful missionary. mis-sionary. Father McSweeny pointed out a practical lesson that was to be learned from the deceased man's love and devotion to Catholic principles, especially es-pecially in regard to Catholic education, educa-tion, and his love for the homeless. In his eulogy the Rev. Father said: "We are gathered round the altar of Christ that we may speak our prayers that He may have mercy on the soul of that good priest, that we may show our love and veneration ror one we shall never forget. Such a great out-pcuring out-pcuring of priests and people to honor the memory of a good priest is a beautiful beau-tiful picture." Many other complimentary references refer-ences were made to the deceased chancellor chan-cellor by the speaker, and afterwards by Archbishon Montgomery, showing the high esteem in which he was held by all ecclesiastics. The tribute of the laity was still greater. All, .regardless of creed, showed their high esteem. |