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Show OFFICIAL ENDORSEMENT. Editor Intermountain Catholic: My Dear Sir Replying to your faver asking my approval of The Intermountain Catholic since its establishment es-tablishment in this diocese. I will state that I considei the founding of a Catholic paper In Salt Lake not the least of the many blessings bestowed by Providence on the Church here during the past two years. Its birth occurred at an opportune time. Its zeal in prop-. prop-. egating Catholic truth has had, since its inception, my hearty though silent approval. I believe with Our Holy Father that "a good Catholic Journal is a perpetual mission in a parish," and that it will serva as a question box, at all times, for anxious inquirers. In my visitations I shall hope to find The Intermountain Intermoun-tain Catholic in the home of every Catholic family. Its mission is to espouse truth, justice and morality, end all devoted priests will find it an able co-operator in their missionary work. It is my wish that all my priests and the laity entrusted to my charge should encourage your noble effort and that of the penerous founder of The Intermountain Catholic Tours sincerely, L. SCANLAN. Bishop of Salt Lake Salt Lake City. Oct. 2, 1900. j CARD FROM BISHOP SCANLAN. I I feel it my duty to protect Catholics and the pub- I lie generally from fraud and Imposition by notifying I them from time to time that no person bearing the name and garb of a priest or sister, or anyone els Is authorized or permitted to solicit or collect in thia diocese for any purpose whatever connected with the Catholic Church without having from me permission j In writing, bearing my seal and signature. Should j anyone be found engaged in doing this unlawful work collecting without uch a document, he or she, as I the case may be, should be regarded by all as a fraud I end an imposter. L. SCANLAN, 1 Bishcp of Salt Lake. Nov. 20, 1S99. j WHAT A DOLLAR WILL DO. I Every week this office sends out sample copies ot The Intermountain and Colorado Catholic in I order that those 1o whom the paper is sent may I judge of its value in the Catholic home. Do not 1 hesitate to take it from the postoffice or receive it from the hands of the postman, for no charge will I ! entered upon our hooks until the recipient of the paper signifies his willingness to become a I regular subscriber and accompanies such request I with a cash subscription. For the purpose of spreading the circulation of I The Intermountain and Colorado Catholic through- I out this section of our country, the company have decided to make a special offer. From this date I until the end of the year IdOi, The Intermountain I and Colorado Catholic will be sent to any person upon receipt of ONE DOLLAR. |