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Show MISSES' AND LADIES' P mimi i nwmmmm. urn. 11 mh.ii w mmmmQ m wwwwwyp u P' "iwwi mi i mn ij mmml'vwmmmiivm L-,,.,. :--iTil(1iwnTnfn h-Vm-mhi nrfr r i i ifi fir n - TriiiMnriir Li"Mf f'--jA-. -inf i ; Prices . J Just received a large shipment of Ladies' and Misses' White Dresses f j: which was delayed in transit a number of weeks. Upon orders from ' I j the manufacturer we are going to sell them out immediately at greatly reduced prices. : If you contemplate the purchase of a white dress this summer, this ?. is your opportunity to buy it. ' , w You would be surprised at how low the prices are. 3 f We also desire to call attention to the sale on our entire line of i BEAUTIFUL MUSLIN UNDERGARMENTS which is now on. ' "" I j ... J - ' .' . . . , . rz-.-.r..' ... : , , . .'L' ". "-'j.LJ.J'.'..1 - jlSCZIrSrrSBjiV'" .iVLTSLLll'TSA l . ' y : r::,: ' . .i McGRANE'S CATHOLIC T0URS To British Isles. Continent of Europe- and Holy:, Land. For particular?, address 1S7 Broadway. New York, N.- .Y I ONE PRICE TO. ALL, - NEVEFMJNDER5 OLD j The Most interesting Nsivs in Sunday's j; j Tribune is the s LOOK IT UP. it i 8 The fificst Profitable Reading in Sunday's j Herald is the S AierbB.ch Act . . LOOK IT UP. . H The Best News in the Saturday Evening News is the Auerbcli Ad! LOOK IT UP. M : : k Vou Can Skip the War News in Saturday's Evening Telegram But Don't ri Miss Reading The Aoerbach AcSj LOOK IT UP. R AUERBACH & BRQ. J The . Greenewald Furniture Company ' INCORPORATED Complete House coo Furnishers 33-35-37 W. THIKD SOUTH ST., SALT LAKE CITY.. UTAH TELEPHONE 462. . - l - IT. A. Leipsiger. President. Carl S. Schmidt. Vice President. J. A. Greenewald. Secretary. Fred Strouse, Treasurer. D I y Btiy a Refrigerator Now n ; . Because nov.is when you need it to keep the r 1 foods iure and wholesome. t ? It will' save more than its cost befots this hot ' S i! season is over.' ; j y Buy'rw HERE l fj'.j Bec.ia-je we can give you the best one for your ; money. . We have all sizes in all reliable grades. ! R The Salt Lake Hardware Co. j i EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. U I 42, 44, 46 VVEST SECOND SOUTH ST. f" f"tr$r'mT'm'f' '.'i1 """"' wimW.ii.w .ou.. .4--...... Li- .1- if,..-',,,.! -,J1 . i .. .. . .. ; ; ' . .; J B : ... "' D , TALK ; IS CflEAP ! But it takes GOOD material, GOOD trim- ! mings, a GOOD cutter anci GOOD me- ji chanics to; make a GOOD suit. I AND HORE : 4 It takes from $12 to $20 of good U. S. coin to buy one of the sure to fit and look . GOOD suits sold by 1 ROWE ;& - KELLY - COe ! UP-TO-DATE FURNISHERS. 132 Soutli Main Street. !Z ' " ' ' ' ' o i f 1 1 in -; j'. .-. JTr I L -i-J-' "'tt"?"C1v" f t t-;v,)t?fo''Ui-i'7f--? j J &ife5-' j THE IMVEfiSITY CF P,0T5f. i)V,lc DAME, .tNEIAjrA j I'liU j,, ,. , no.-nrc! rimi !.,.;:, j,, i, '.;. ' ' i I f-n f. nharma.-v. i 1U . i ', ' s - t I an.-l t'wtrk-i.i '..t!-;, ,...;,,.' ' ,' .' ''" ! c Thu,,, ,r.,lisrjljry ; V..; ;-: ! i fr"f' t' :. sf.i.i.-r-.- ' w i eompn t"d tn- .t!.j.,.9 rr,.,,,.. ," ' 5 j xn;Ki9ii in.. th- ..n)iinm,,,ri, ' ! Hot yeur (.; a-ij- ui i--. " ' " I co .'rs-i's. " j ' Kn,;,r, tn rnf. nr-lT-j-n i i,,-,, ; iirni-l wr.r.b'-r C' ..T.'idfct-j : I ecrfi.-i:iyti,T, ,t:;:.- u U' rVc .'o '' i ! EP-:-:.-!. rtr;. 3 1 ! Kdwar.l':! ha!! fr sVB ; ; years, is iiniiiw m tv jv.s:.....".' ; i ! It.; .inipm.r. " '3 ' I ; The :A 7-r wl!; t.p.n S,a.a j lx'J. Caralnie (r... ! j REV. .V r.lkteisxJZ c. '& r r I j , si mJm Boarding and Day School For Young Ladies j COMPLETE CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL COM-MERCIAL COURSES. ML'SK'. DRAWING AND i'AIVi ,. ;. For catalour- ;iddrcss sistkr si:rKi;ior:. j Salt Lake City. i j First Communion Season ! A full line of Frayer Eooks. Rosaries, Scapulars. Medals, Wreaths, Veilings, etc., can be had at THE JAMES CLARKE Church Goods House i 627 15th St., Denver, Colo. j Mail Orders Promptly Filled, j I E. E. BURL1NGAME & CO., ASSAY OFFICE A1J LABORATORY I Established in Colorado, 1S66. Saraplfsfivmailcr expresswillreceivepromptand cnrefulattfntion 3c!d & Silver Bullion "fStf-fiSt&'g!" Ccncentraticn Tests-100 '736-1738 Lawrence St.. Denver, Colo. ( I HOUSE CLEANING I i U lias commenced in nme lioinej! a j and we want to mention fin" m things neiossary to roniil'te tli ' ft job. FVATHKU DfSTKKS. all fi M sorts and priies; t'lIL(.KID F. OF I; LIME. CARBOLIC ACID. ril'L- f PIIUR CANDLES, etc. j . I F J. HILL DRUG! CO. I "FAMILY CHEMISTS." Corner Opposite PostofBce. ; i i A TRIl' TO THK World's Fair is I'raciieally A TRIP AROUND RIE . ..WORLD.. j i FOR' COMFORT A X I COXVEXIKXC travel via Sn mltm rA'. tf a' Jul A trip via this line is an educaU"n M J itself. ' , - Write me tor ehcan rates ami free lit : erature. W F, CAN SAVE YOC MOXIOV. C. F. WARREN. Genera t Agent A. T. -s S. F. Kv. Co. . Salt Lake City, I'tah. |