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Show MUSICAL OEN- .S. John Nyshall of Fillmore Is Frovi g n Wond" ITIlnore. I'tnh, Oct .. Tl lawei. and numerous doctors who nro In attendance at-tendance hero on court have ecu "luch Interesieel In and groally cnlerlali U by ii )nuiig man horn nnd raised in I'lllmore, I'lll-more, of Ihe name of John Njshull, who seems to be not only u meeh luteal genius but a musical wonder Out of the rudest kinds of tools and such wood as ho could procure In this cottntr), ho has made some seventeen guitars mandolins harps and other stringed Instruments that nro said b) mualelHiis to be first-class Instruments In-struments In somo eases he hie varied Ihe shapes of his Instruments i llio regular form to vnrv und Improve the tone in icrlaln rcpeels Hln ' -t production Is fiat of a guitar 1 thai Is us Urf. again as the ordinary ' ,r in f ei nu i imewhnl .ti i r 1 1 in - is, h , ,. i i m. t p. in t-niing ii i -im t Vltti.iugh the vaung man hnn never hnd i lesson In mush ind plnvs entirely h iar he Is able, ti pin an endless number of plce-ee mam nf which he has c nmnnse el himself with the skill and sweelness of one vvhn has had ve.r. of professional training and llirre I- s. nr. el) nn liistru ment thnt he has seen Hint he Is not able lo plni He has given several mush al recitals nt the hotels nt Ihe solicitation of the e-ourt people here thai hnve been highly enlerlululng |