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Show V MURDER THE CHARGE. Formal Complaint Against Kelly nnd His Alleged Mistress nulte Mont , Oct 2R -Pdltor J W Kellv and Midline Huth La Ponte were todnv charged with the murder of Dr II A Cavlev who die I veslerdav as the result of the bullei wound lecMvcd on the night of October 11th ns a re-sullt re-sullt it is alleged of Kellv tlndlns 1 ivlev In the rooms of his alleged mistress mis-tress the La tlonle woninii who Is now mission Mi Information rliirglng mnr der In the first degtee will now be filet bv the i ounlv Attornej Kellv le-fused le-fused to appear at the Inquest The aitinpsv on the bolv or Dr Cnv -lev disclosed that the bullet struck the end of the divide tore through the soft tissues sulking the sides, of the vertebrae nt the junction of the tilth and sixth where thoj articulate an t ll.iallj lodged In the rente, of the spl nnl cord contplelels sevnlng the left posterior column or lord nnd half of the right Thcie was no sign ot Inflammation In-flammation In tho course which the bullet took but pirllcles of clothing were discovered III lis woke The nutopsv also developed the fact tint Dr Cnvlej was without doubt In bed when the shot was tl.el an 1 thit the tevolver wia aimed at right angles to the shoul lei of the deceised 1 he doctors who ei formed the nutoi sv te-fused te-fused to discuss what they found nnd denied reporters the privilege of being pi csent The bullet which vvns extrncted wan twisted out of shape an 1 showed a number num-ber of grooves In the lead made b coining coin-ing V contact with the bones ot the shoulder Since coming to rtuttp Dr 11. A. Cnvlej mide a largp number of friends In n professlonnl wnv he was one of the best known voting doctots In the Northwest As n practitioner he was er successful nnd man) people ln Untie nre Indebted lo him for his skill He w is protnlnontlv IdTntllled with various va-rious friternal o.ders On comlnr to Montana about ten enrs ago Dr CavUj flrst located at Twin Ihldges, where he practiced his profession for a nunibi r of venrs While there he mnrrlel the daughter of Harry Mueller a prominent mining man, who survives to mourn the loss of her husband hus-band He came tn Ilutte seven eirs ago for a wider flell of action He was a nun of vers kindly disposition nnd mide friends rnpldls. M idiime La Itonte, who wis the only wllniss In the shooting dlsippeared from Hutte Immediate! after the affair. af-fair. She won triced to Seattle nnd from there nothing moie could be learned of her. |