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Show THE PEAR BLIGHT. Tho appearance of the blight in pear trees throughout t'tah during the past two ears him caused much apprehension apprehen-sion and no little, alarm among thc orchardists of the Htati With thc positive pos-itive declaration tint the disease is In surablc coming from the pathologists In the United tstntca Department of Ag i (culture, It li perhaps not surprising that the farmer whose tries become In-fected In-fected should take lather a gloom view of lho case. To see un orchard of thrifty joung pear trees full of vigor and fruit and promise mid then withes wit-hes the deadly work of the blight ni It nttacks first the tips and then grad-uall grad-uall works Its wa down along the twigs to the branches and Ilnall Into the trunk of the lice until the once beautiful trie becomes a blackened, lifeless thing Is surel enough to strike terror in thc heart of the orchardb-t Hut, notwithstanding the drea t dli. ease and tho incurable nature of It theio Is no reason for abandoning hope It has been definitely determined by actual experience here In Utah that while the disease ma not be eridlcated after It has once covered Hi tree, still tho spread of the blight mi be checked by prompt nnd vigorous treatment ap. piled aa soon as the Hist signs me no-tlced no-tlced lho pear blight Is a bacterial disease that works onl In live wood or tissue, and thc moie vigorous and full of sap the more rapid! Is the wood attacked. The disease almost in-vnrlibl in-vnrlibl begins In the fresh oung twigs and works down und In toward the Hunk rite progress of the blight mn bo eusll determined b theblick-ened theblick-ened leaves and b irk No outward application ap-plication ct discovered will cure the disease since tho bacteria work Inside the limbs It follows then tint an measures taken must be preventive und not curative Jiiilj In Jul of thla ear thc Utah stale Iloird of Hoitliulture after consulting con-sulting nuthorltlca nt Washington and In California, advised that all bllBhtiil twigs and bnnches be cut from the trees being cnreful to cut well back nf all appoironce of the disease, also, th it the blighted tilmmliiBS be icmoved fiom the orchard und burned It was also advised that each stub of limb or wound left b cutting be saturated with coal oil and that the entire ireo bo kept coveted with liordcnux mix-lure mix-lure In addition to this treatment It was suggested tint the water stippl be diminished light up tn tho dinger point In older to check the growth and harden the wood as mm h ns possible A large number of reports have come In showing most grutlflng surcem In stop; lng the srrcad of the blight where the ubove suggestions were u led upon One Instance In particular wus that of Jomea Meldrum a outlaid nt I'rnvo Mr Mildrum spent iiliout J10O in (ho work of earning out the Instructions given b the noard of Horticulture und li so doing he aaved Ills thirl, acre peui orchaid from thiealened destruction de-struction and he hai vested more than IJODO worth of teais At the Agrl. ulturnl College of Utah tho orchard w tilth was under the cure of th writer hereof during last spring and summer showed the hll,ht bad! nhi.ut Juno J8th The vigorous prun-lng prun-lng nnd the tieatment wllh coal oil and Hordeaux effectually checked the blight It Is not suppoeid that the orchards treated as ibm, described will be Im-mune Im-mune from the blight heieafter. but It la leasonably tertiin tint b vigilant effort the lavages ft (he disease ma be MM down ton minimum |