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Show THE BUSINESS CONDITIONS. AH Is nctlvlty and energy ln thc business bus-iness fields, production nnd demands for trinsportntlon more thin tax the transportation facilities, nnd deliveries must wnlt possible shipments, 'ihc reopening re-opening of the nnthriiilto coil mines proves to be n more serious task than vi ns reikoned on Ily long Idleness some of lho mines are flooded, thero are cave-Ins, and gas has accumulated; so that thi resumption of work and production must be grndunl, nnd tho furl suppl will be short until tho pro-ductlon pro-ductlon reaches lis former limit, nut with the suppl now turned out, und the uso of soft con, (here Is no very serious e omplnlnt of lack of fuel. Ilradstreets icports fivornblc fci-Hires fci-Hires still dominating the trade and Industrial sltuitlon, with dennnd for goods In excess of 1001 nnd preceding ems Business on next spring's nc-count nc-count continues tn expnnd The money situation shows llttlo thit Is unfavorable, unfavor-able, with tQllectlons geneinlly good something like a shortage In thc sugar irop confronts the trade, and there nro frnctlonnl advances In the raw product. Business failures number 101 ns ngulnst SOS the previous week, and 223 ln this week list jenr. Dun saS no betler ev Hence of tnlus-trial tnlus-trial nnd tommerclil nctlvlt Is needed need-ed than the Inadequate trntisportitlon facilities. Though every form of rill-roael rill-roael equipment tins been Increased nnd lerfected yet thc counlr s business Ins more than kept pace Whllo ln sonic places mild w either has retarded ictall trade et the movement of goods is full sustained by undiminished preparations for future sales Lnbor Is more fully emplocd than nt any reient dale only a few smnll controversies contro-versies Interrupting Money market pressure has been removed, nnd legitimate legiti-mate trade Is not leturded by speculation specula-tion llirnlngs nf the rnllwu) during Octoher thus fnr exceed last curs by I pci cent, nnd those of 1000 by 12 per cent Unllurea numbere.l 213 against 210 last week, lho bink dealings show tho ennr-tnous ennr-tnous Inciense In New York city of 20 1 pr cent; In tho country outside ot New York, Ihe Increnso vvns 10 7 per cent, In the whole country, nn Increnso of 2S I per cent This city ranges Itself among the few cities which shntv decreased de-creased clearances though business here Is certainly nctlve Taken nil together, the showing Is gnat for tho people of this country, who show that the aro fully nble lo take advantage of the great buslnesa opportunities open to them |