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Show A Good Hearted Man, j or in other wordi, men with poo J sound hearts, arc not cry numerous. The int-rcaiing number o sudden deaths from heart disease daily chron- I Jmaj!"l it led by the A fjh press, uproot" J&p Awi. oftheahrm- W $ I ing prevv jS sfr Icnce of this JoVfy1 din kc raus ifT''yf' complaint, (famifif andasnoone WUfti? ? cin foretell iffl.d? j just when a fatal collapse J A. Kroamor. ttill occur, the danger of ncR. Iectini: treatment is certainly a ury risky matter. If jou are short of breath, hive pain in left sidt, smothering spells, pal-pitiitioii, pal-pitiitioii, unable to he on side, i especially the left, jou should I begin tak rig I MUes Heart Cure. J A Kteimercf ArlcaniatClti. Ksnj. ' 'i ' Mvh artwsstnlaii trie im I po shlel .r me to he down ar i I c ill neiilierb'ec., n r rest Mv decline iva, riptd, and I rculned I must r t I rln I soon Iwm.dviv.l to try Di M i ' Hejrt t un whu h I ill I, and cm udly believe it uved my hlr ' Dr. Miles' lVemodlos are sold I ty all druaelsls on gusrantoe. Dr. Mllcn Medlcm Co , Elkhart, Ind .FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. 4P4 ACnnS OF LAND AS GOOD AS can be bought In Halt I ike counts ,. 10 miles from the cltt 6-room house and all implements and 132 fruit trees 12no A. HI, hter. 19 West 1st bouh Tul Ml. FOR SHLE. One of the best farms In Salt Lake county, to acres, well lmprotcd, brick house, good stables and plenty of water. Farms for sale In Utah county. Bear niter valley, Idaho, etc. Write for particulars. par-ticulars. A. RICHTER, 13 WEST 1ST SOUTH, 1ALT LAKH ClTT. ffacaway'ir E Pills r ire v vegctibl mild and rel'able. II u ie th I i rr nd Dig stive Oreins In if. it and best m Ul Inc In the world li th CURE ?,' J.1! W. 8fiinl5.?loiTho.,JDu!i casei loss of tppetltc Headache, Con. stlpitlin Cost venesi Indigestion, Ull-Inisinis Ull-Inisinis Fever lntlammatlon of tho Dow els Piles and nil d.rnng. ments of tlin Internil vlscen PI Rl K'l DItll bTIOV will be ac ompllshed bj taking RAD-WA RAD-WA S P1I.I 1 in ii doing DYSPEPSIA flck Headache, Foul Stomach Illllousness will bo nvolled ns the food that li eaten c intrlbutei In nourishing properties for the euppoit of the natural waste of tho hidy Pi lie 55 cents rer hot Sold by nil Driisglsts, or sent bv null on receipt of price lttDWAI A CO K Llm street. New Aork. THE Salt Cake tribune UTAH'S GREATEST DAILY NEWSPAPER. Reflects the news of the world, general, State county and city. ITS MINING AND MARKET REPORTS Are full fair and conclsltc Republican In polities It Is Just and It prints all tho news both inlltlcal and commerclil, without fear oi fivor THIS IS A CAMPAION YEAR And ou cannot be without The Bait Lake Tribune TF.RMS OF Sl'USCRIPTION'-Dalty nnd Sundit Tribune one week 2". cents. Dnllj and f-undaj, one month SI 0) Dally nnd Sundnv one vear fl.ro Riinday Tribune one trnr, W, Sunday Tribune, six months JK'J. THE FAMOUS .I.e.Hogs For Sale by Q. J. . IRWIN, 1840 S rourth East St., Salt Lako City. Correspondence Solicited TSR?Xrniciso?n i DBNTIST ; 111 1S W. ll (OMI MM III ST. J i TI.RMS MODI It tTL 5 ' Reeertlon in tn I ntrill Itloek t J Ilriuluiit N i. u g of Dinlltry J ci?SnS SCWFCnMWL&Bxaa THE PERFECT EAR TAG. Hife -I ALUMIHIIM m ATTACHSD IN' OTANTANIjOUbLY. c iilti.fl "'r '"'', M I i ttr SALTLAlF,8TAiViP,CO.,,,i. i. SALT LAKE, UTAH, , Universal Repair Machinojs. r""V . .i , "e'.t'c- iimisTioVoussiii'iiig S t IR in ttCiUU, In ,. 1 lltl A I..1 1 It. UBl. w. n inwxs, 630 E. 3rd So , Snlt Lnke City, Utah iCULLE HOTEL, s't Iko City BtreTTr allTcamsPaLC"' atn.uvxnnjuuuiJulfuUvlnn 1. A, CtJNNHfQ,,.,. . Ba" of Comm, ATLAS UUKZ. TransactsQener, Banking Busg f Inter.,, p.Uwlta(iJiii UTAH NURSERY KEMMERI TMEPERFtrrn Has been given flrjt clic, ,-,. THE KEHMERER COil Keinmercr, Wjomii TELEPHONE t) Silt Lake Otllces 5j tr,.. South. r8i general 841,1 a EMEliESi; Hotel Knutsford, SiltLilnc practical7furr fur dresser and taxidermis Highest cah prices paid fo, 1 nnd game heads The largest business ot Iu kj.. world. JOHN F. BOI Manufacturing Jwd Old gold mido Into new itjle J-Diamond J-Diamond work, medals, enjriTirj ilry repalrlmr Orders by mail promptly fllH 2A AIAIN 8TIIEET TUTTLE BR( UUHINKSS ESTADL18HEDD Correspond with us wllltU freely slo ou any inlomnUoa line. REAL ESTATE, HORTQUE Taxes pild. Interest and Inccc lected. Notaries public. LetU tirawn OFriCES: 140 MAIN SIS2 DO NOT DUT OR tEU, WHEAT, OATS, BAI OR POTATOES WITHOUT FIRST aETTINSO TRICL8. Clcavcland Commls COMPANY, 15 West .Second Boutn 8 r. O llox 303. SALT h KE CUT ' Thone DA THE UTAH JUNK DEALIinS IN Hides, Pelts and Beesi Metals of all klnJs. rtuhber RifJ Iron. llottleB Carload Iota s ipici I 63-65 L LlBhth Soutll Telcf!"" Bait Lalia Cltt ' F. PlhttC I Manufacturers ot and Cli Harness, Saddles, Col W hips. Illankets and Saddlet, lit 117-113 StatoBt. BiltUkiCM PHJTIT Shades nnd Ormtncntnls of nil hinds Our Ir?.1 ITlrfclUl 1 record of over h-ilf a ccnturs. Write &'"?' nerv. huylng Wo ttant potsl locil agents Wr't'i I TREES '"'ONI'l'Is M'ltSHIUHS CO. Hox KM, Salt"" ' mia-tMiKirTSfry miiaaxwmy reiiTgrMtl'ro " tt1 j Davis County Nurseries j CENTERVILLE, UTAH, j TTnvo for snlo 000,000 of tho best commercial varletle i 1 plo, pear, plum, prune, chorry, apricot, poach, nectarine u Ij mond ever growii In Utah, at icasonnblo prices; also !' d rosei nnd ornnmontal trees Wo solicit mall orders. j VAN METER, HARNESS & CO., Proprietor H Offices 315 nnd 310 Atlas Block, Salt Lako City, U"b' j Box 203 1 1 The U. S. Separator has ihe Advaiilage Mj of bolng nhlo to got moro croam m L"FA Amcrleim LxnnJltlnn. Vh '';"& IM (K-V. C"n-ciitlc runs, .01 -)8 of 1 , and c uu."'w 1 H P- THE, WORLD'S RECORD ' ftW YiMl thin provlngUi flfilit to IU claim of M oW 0EINQ THE CI-WNF5T SKIMMEIl MAt,tnl)je, 1 i 7 1 Thl., loRellit.r -vvllli Its in"nyi',tlrtrr,moeir C51 J ft ilcsirlhcd In ..urcataloRiiei, ihoiihlrh,,,!,, ImS 3 . 'loiilili that ilttlrrmfti inoy have i W "'" ml csVB4T l,e" "cr lr "or '" ''"' m 3S1SS! wri,;ordv,tit(t't" v,, I ISM VERMONT FARM MACHINE CO., Potlowa fZ |