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Show SITtle is clear ci ,jx So Decided Regarding )rj Panama Canal. s REPORT TO PRESIDENT ,a Rca hcd Atter n Thorough ?, xHMis ve Investigation of ?,SItustl)U in Paris by Special l-cnry Hits" " n"d L(lter by the Lmey Oenn il Himself Tho v jlon M1 - About Three Hun- .pjj. , C ncluslon Reached Is u,t; S vU Oet Valid Title. Tl,vti n 23 Attornes-Gen- g x ded tnt If the , j jl I accept tho offer ,., rpit r i Cminl eompans, r tM I ' i" s for the snlo of mil ( r 4 0lt,ni It would ro- 1ih a, i pirtlea In Interest a i -) i Tin il title to the , i" o i uh arrived nt . i 1 exhaustive Inves- , f i iilou nt I'nrls, llrst i 1 ( hnrles W Tins , i me Attorney-Genornl ,( T v i ev (Iciiornl form il. t T ilt oi Inlon to President II i 1' make about 500 i T ' i is Is a ssnopsls. or s in wtii:r. , ' lcrnl opinion to the f Kit n ilt If which the new j 1 1 P ins of Trance of- , ( ' t 1 Stile of all its jrd '5 on the Isthmus of Aa f Ith n history of the ii n 1 hj f olomlila In 1?"8- i mitlon of the IV I,es- faiu r ' ompanv of Friiice ur compnis In IS' unit r ' i) of nit Its right to irirnt 1 n final totupiny ot tu liildntor appointed by Finli "' to win I up tho af. io( tli l cninpanj, and of tho ir I frame concerning the ijlj n nr 'he ol I compan Tho i 111 i ik up the nhjectlon hrvve h n made In this countrj Idle i ip 1 to be Rlxcn to the M ir These objeitlons It i f l themselves Into reasons r i th f-)Howhur propositions mi-TI he new Pinnmi CannI i ir h ml rower to sell tho cinal I i -i i -onert 1 llic liquidator of the old i nmpan has not power ii neb sale p T br Trenth rourts have f at to uthorlze the liquidator I tvo inmn, or either of - '1 Into the sale rth T ji at all PiPnts the e i out 1 take the pioperty iinHi 1 subject to the total ihe elnrkhnllcrs, the 1 the olher (icdltors of y nr rpr V'V n AT I.TCNOTIT. h -t ii id nature of l'rench -unin of the kind In question ore i Ui th They nre sail to Wh li r lent fiom our eorpo- i tjl o be easily tindcrstool If it! ur1 - prlMite partnerships, tt- i entl il character. It in Fijs that they arc In i" , ii regulated by l-iw, but Mi's ' lions do not chins the 1 a tcr of the concerns us " hit lo not establish any tie i h and the (ln eminent or y Igai ons fiom them to the (lov- nt-it nil lo not forbid the exercise 11 posp of their prop- fl i nn Individual disposes It i nl liw forbids this If ' nil not under some par- nl co nr other like obligation ! I ropcrtj The new ran- tc Is quite sohent, and - Ii I fnrhl Idlng It to sell iieier r Hie general meetings of xkMI ir ihal conipnns are dls- "1 or' is held to hae derived "iti" r hip agreement nmplo II s It Is proposing to do. 'TT' I itt s op MQt'IDVTOR " ' ir of the old company, ocr the assets to the iq ul ilcd for CO per cent "i' r of tho i anal when fin- i pnwei to lonscnt to the t- up his ilkht to the CO pei ' 1 In the llEht of the -incernlnir the winding up 1 h oils and It Is held thit 1 r im r law of Pranco and "r ' nf 1R11 mneernliiR the lat nr i is cnmpnn, he has full '" 1 in of the n"iets of the "'rn i -or e iiieiitly to LOnsent to ' il" rr ie 0 per cent which Is a " 'i u els It is neiq inai n Is not In bankruptcy 1 ' i simlllar to bankruptcy '-I i r nri, tt ,ut Is coNfrned '" I I iw or cl 11 co ie, w hlch '"" 'of ls'n nlieady referred ' " mmlllles Tint law le- "" " iciuoval of the chll trlb- "' if foi nil aales or nllen- 'I nf iisi-tK hut does not pre- u mill ins That tribunal ' 'he consent of the llqul- lie and on npi eal b a ' y 1 t the old company, the f is jf Paris confirmed the bel I that under the spe- ' u hKal icpresentatlve !" illma hid been appoint- " '"I nut to icpri-senl them all " iepiei-ntalle, who had ' '' uiueil hla consent lo the " only one authorized by ' ti oppoc the Judcment i ii behalf nf tho boiuliiold- rov p piu:nch court. next dlstiissrs tho power ' ourt tn ilecbue a law of ' ' as uiiionslltutlnnnl, and 11 ' Prench court nor olher powei tu declare any ii void Tho opinion , ' that the Trench si eclal '"i ' ' bo ileclired Mill and " Mtlelsed lit all It Is for , Ir nf tho prhnto rights 1 ' of Uioso lnlt rested and ", i like a banliiuptcy law. ' i iposltlou tint the Unlled fl bi subject tn the debts 1 of the stockholders and ii I other iiedllors of both " "if, tho opinion ay. ' i in rnopoaiTioN. Al it proposition It Is not per- 1 hero lould bo anj law m ' iijfctlnB an article sold as f itlimt paitnershlp (such as I my) to tho debts of the If surh weio tho law, be no purchasers "t nucli ti creditors would reel lo 1 f thcli drills out uf the 'he Btotkliiildeis any dlvl- , idii Noerthelcs the u ihely lonsllers all po- , . and nlliei llenH afreet- i 'ty Itrelf, real or personal, ii ni fcilnmblin law. H , e bein iiinrtBiiges of per- ,, ' mid shows In detail ' inn nf them Ah tu the 'hat tho Itnltcd mates cun- , in tho shaus of stoik of f ! It llroad ronipany, a Now itlou which tho J'anama. , " tos a tn mil with th l ). i ri the opinion holds tint ' ' uient can take and hold any ,k I ly It may hu need of , manner as tiny Indhldual ' woui 1 hold tho shares as ml would hold them. A ANOTHnnoVMir(TInNANfRID h.i.V thf lndltlon of the title as te fro0m0,;L"plalnl", the I ", hilV U Wit n? i?f P1'w.?"nnanv and the eon- thi. ,. '?? new eompans nut If fnlw i ii treat ,he ' nt Congress as win 1'ur.hase from the new h? olenl" " nouM ta ""' for Jolnai?n3Pany.r,,he "'li'ldator lo J--no' t0 .a!",flaln the will of the nfinerfv .h" "W,"r ccrt lln lMed Le an iV hl on,."r. Mn suptxwed to new , !""r BJ,mltedl In part the Up .,,,Uy f.r0m ,h" "n" although founin'T1?11. owhlP should 1. hJZl l0,br ih mw "Pany whether we believe It Is In the new company or old companv so ling as It is or both seems to lie altogether Immaterial Im-material since both Join In proposed The opinion closes as follows ' Tor the reasons I have given I am of the opinion that the Pnlted "Hates would "tie " K tt"d una unel-unil,,'l -fTnM,.op.ln,on9 arc !M Wlnted pages or exhibits In support of Its statements also the responses by the Prench and vmertcan counsel of the new Panama ( annl compnnj lo the objections for-lnu. for-lnu. .led b. ,,,c attorney General and which had been considered by him In-dependent! |