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Show ATE TAILS AND TaANES. Stock Man Tells of Hardships Endured En-dured by Horses In Blizzard. James j:. Hutler, who Is at the Ilutte hotel on his way to Halt Utke to purchase wnne cliolco cattle for bleeding purposes, snjs tho Ilutte Inter Mountain, In one of tho most pioinlnent eattleinen in Ilrltlsh Columbia Colum-bia He N well known In Northern Montnn.i, where he ran cattle for about ten years until IRVO, when he bouc,ht n rnnch In Ilrltlsh Columbi i Speaking of a recent snowstoim which they hnd In llrltlh Columbia, lio snya tint It was the worst In jeirie In mnny pirtn of the Tcrrltorv. "1 had some horses In one of the places." he said, "where the storm vvns the worst, und 1 think I saw something; which I hive never seen ln all my llirppr km n. eietelm in "Wo did not locate the horses for about two weeks, and when vvc did we found them In at least six feet of snow. They were on n ridge and It was Impossible Tor them to get nn food And say, don't ou think that a horse tan go insane Just like nny human hu-man t Well. I wan Inclined to think that such vvns not the ease until I mw tho-e horses There were nliout twenty nf the 100 head dead, but 1 will svveir that the rent were cinzy. "Well, sir, of those alive there wan not n horse that had li irdl n rib of hair on their tails or manes, Thej hud become so crazed with hunger that they ate each other's maneH and tails off. T have been In the c.ittle business n long time, but I never saw iinitlilng like that befoie. "Of course, ns we hnd no feed with us, wo hnd to heat n trail back to the nearest ranch, where we bought some hay and ranked It to where the horses were. We camped there for about two elajs until the horses got strong enough to move nnd then we brought them home, borne of thosp trlttera have hardlv Blurted n tall oi ninne ns jet. It was certainly n nueer freak and 1 don't think I will ever see the Uko again." |